It’s so good

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Is anyone taping this … would love to dignthe whole thing…

I’m sure it will pop up on the Autechre subreddit or YouTube

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It’s already up: https://www.reddit.com/r/autechre/comments/zzdjtm/autechre_live_mixlr_event_30_dec_2022_mp3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Sean posted a few things on Mastodon. pretty epic look at the ‘system’… the ‘rig’

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I mean they essentially made their own custom DAW in Max. I knew it was complex, but it looks nuts.

he talks about in the long AMAs from a while back… they’re on youtube now… 11hrs total. sounds like it can do everything in the way they do things… he talks about how they designed it to write rhythms the way they do… it can tune across all areas… very modular… has “slots” to insert tools that do things… sometimes multiple types of things in a slot… like modulation + fx + control… sequences embedded with sounds or oscillators or whatever. makes sense when ya think they’ve been doing this so long and had a few decades to work on it… someone asked what version it was and he said like 1000 something… he saves everyone because they’re just small max files. intense. amazing work. that one clip is a snare model… physical modeling i think and those long lists in the menus are different materials to combine to make a snare… or so it looks.

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Can anyone screen cap and post. I’d love a look-see. I don’t Mastodon or do any soc-media stuff.

…or link. I don’t even know what Mastodon is :grimacing:

Not sure how this works either :slight_smile:


Basically it’s a decentralised Twitter. Instead of there just being one site that hosts all the accounts (twitter.com) anybody can run their own server and let people create accounts, and they can all talk to each other, so your posts on toot.example.com are also visible to people who have their mastodon account on mastodon.social, and vice versa. You can follow anybody on any public mastodon server

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someone did that and put them on youtube. if search for ‘unreleased autechre demo’ you’ll find them. it’s just sean posting stuff though. works in progress… he titled them “more max nonsense” on mastodon. kinda hilarious. “nonsense” and it’s dopest shit to squeak out of the internet in a minute.

edit: here’s one. has this wicked sounding like claritnet thing that meanders around. rich sounding… and some bass and stuff comes in later.


Deadass. When all those tracks or whatever light up 🫠

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adding…question: that post.lurk.org link. I can only see seans posts. I gotta sign or start my own server or have an account to see what others said? :thinking:

this shits so foreign to me.

i signed up on the generic mastodon server. when you follow people on other servers ya have to go through a bit of process… like signing in again or something. idk. i’m not very active there. it’s new to me too and i only have a vague understanding of what’s going on. basically, ya have to find your people and they’re all on different servers. i’m not in a rush to understand it.

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unlistenable garbage… try humming it in a few years…

but that’s just my opinion…i liked their early stuff.

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I’ve been beatboxing it?

i’d prefer doug e fresh to what i’ve just endured…

It’s finally happened. It reminds me of the time I got my dad to try pac-man in the arcade. He couldn’t do it. Just kept getting stuck in the corner. You know, when an old guy can’t or won’t adapt to new tech…checking mastodon gave me that feeling. I can’t allow myself to become unable to adapt. SHIT!


some people hear it. some people don’t.
stick to what you like. no one cares. something something everyone has opinions and such…

some people like “kind of Blue”… some people like “on the corner”… some people like both.

I haven’t bothered with mastodon either. I tried tiktok for a few minutes and it was ‘ vacuous hell on influencer nonsense earth ‘

I liked a lot of the music they played yesterday … I should take a listen to coil …they also played quite a lot of 90’s dance that I hadn’t heard for many years.

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