A.Keys CV to Midi to P08?

I’m wondering if I can use my AK CV/Gate sequencer with my Prophet 08 polyphonically? As I have started to love the AK sequencer! And whilst I dream of a midi out channel…is there a cheap CV to Midi converter that will enable me to power my P08, polyphonically, as sweetly as if it were one of my AK channels? Thanks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks. After looking at the options it seems to be more practical for me to sequence the P08 via one of my many cheap iPad apps. Polyphonic sequencing via the AK will have to wait till Elektron decide midi out on the sequencer is worth implementing! There are so many people who want it. Strange that we’re not listened to…yet :confused:

Well said Ray. Lots of people wonder about the lack of midi out, for good reason. In fact it is a commendation for Elektron’s AK sequencer. Whilst respecting the world of cv, gate, why not let midi join in the fun! I looked at hardware fixes. Most would be expensive and not so functional polyphonically. So I’ll probably use one of my iPad apps to sequence my P08 in real time. As well as some of the great step sequencing apps like midisequencer!