A (midi controllable, full recall) pet for my Syntakt?

I believe I now have the optimal solution if you’ll refer to this technical chart for the details.

everything is connected by shoelaces, as you can see.


I was recently searching for new pets too.
Micromonsta 2 was definitely a contender, but I really wanted something extra simple and polyphonic, super small with a fat sound.
Came across the Fred’s Lab Buzzy.
It’ll be here tomorrow so I’ll know for sure it sounds as good as the demos.
I’d definitely look into the Fred’s Lab stuff or Audiothingies.
I’d also want something that the current gear you have can’t really do, but complements it.
Something like a Moog Slim Phatty, Analog Solutions, or Dreadbox.
The Moogish sound is a wonderful complement to Elektron, and probably the Microfreak as well.
They might be on the simple one trick pony side of things, but something like that I find perfect to pair with Elektron anything. When you hear a Moog with these other synths it just cuts though everything and really fills out the spectrum. It’s all sweet spots.


The Syntakt gets quite warm so a cat is definitely a good choice.
Failing that MicroMonsta2. Shruthi is a beast too, it only lacks effects but you have the Syntakt for that.
Cat would still be my first choice.


Waldorf Pulse, or Se-02
Both are 3osc mono synths with pgc

Edit: IK Multimedia UNO Pro Desktop comes to mind too.
Never had one, but it’s in the price range!

You just could get a poly too. There are plenty used ones for cheap. Who says you need to send poly notes :smiley:
Preenfm is super for that, performance knobs and small footprint are noice!

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Bit old but what about a mopho? Can get them pretty cheap

DSI Evolver!

Yeah, I look forward to the “I bought an evolver as a pet for my Syntakt, now my house is on fire and I can’t feel my face” thread.

Evolver is no pet.


Soma ROAT ?
Moog Mavis ?
The new Bastl Beastie in a no-input (feedback!!!) configuration ?

Ah this Roat also seems interesting !

He also makes the Tooro, very small, 6 voices with analog filters, more expensive though.



I would opt for a K-2. It’s mono. It’s 220€ (newest Thomann price, bit of a waitlist though). It can make extreme MS-20 sounds that would fit the kind of music you’re doing IMHO (although it lacks bass unless it’s pushed by the HPF resonance).

I’ve got 2 and imma gonna build an array of those to unisson them.

Edit: It’s not midi controllable though. But it might not be needed for such a simple synth? IDK.

Otherwise Micromonsta 2 as others have said (although stereo, but a pan spread away of being mono).

I think the Typhon would suit sound of the music you make and matches a lot of your criteria, price etc

With the built-in distortion effects like wavefolding, tri-clip, shred, bitcrush it can get really nasty, and at the other extreme the cloud reverb is almost instant ambient. It can do a great acid squelch and grumbling basslines too.


thanks for the great recommendations, but i like to remember that it should be fully midi controllable, so much so that i don‘t have to touch the controls of whatever pet :wink:

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Those allergies…but in the meantime, you would like to touch the knobs of something like the Typhon or Minitaur. Solid feel.


Typhon has MIDI CC for days

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Actually a super fascinating thing, unfortunately also not Midi controllable …
I actually was looking at the Bastl Beastie thinking “if I could just control that thing via Midi …”

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Blofeld module?

I’m about to sell the keys version because I find it too sterile/clean… but I think you’d probably find the gnarl in it.

My recommendation (after thinking about the machines in the ST) would be Fred’s Lab Tooro, Lemondrop, Minitaur, AS-1 or DSI Tetra.


I think the cre8audio west pest would be a nice addition to the soundpallet of the ST. Compact, relatively cheap and I think it’s midi controllable

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