A (midi controllable, full recall) pet for my Syntakt?

Get an ipad. Drambo is fully controllable.

And you don’t have to use your jack inputs since it’s USB.

The whole goal is to use one of the Syntakt’s inputs to use whatever synth as one more machine, ready to be smashed or not smashed into the analog fx drive and effects …

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This is Elektronauts, we’re not here to listen to what you want and offer you appropriate suggestions, we’re here to tell you that you’re wrong and you should get something completely different.

So on that basis, get an M2 MacBook, you can do anything with one of them.


What about the mentioned ones?
Whats your feedback?

What do you want? What do you miss? More options?

Fin25 is right. You will get a rubbish of options. :wink:

We could do something like this:


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How about a Virus Snow, or a Yamaha Reface? The CS is nice

Modal Craft 2

All of mine mentioned are midi cc controllable.
Just saying.

Wish you all a nice weeeeeekend!

Cya around!

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I only have music skills, but no social skills. Not intentionally, though :wink:


Just one on the way:

If I’m interested in a synth and want to write instrument definitions for my sequencer, Im always searching for “yoursynthnamegoeshere midi cc list”. It looks like those are standardized.

Don’t worry about social skills, I haven’t them too.
That’s because I’m a selfish nihilistic misanthrope.

love! :woozy_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ah, very good idea! Usually I just skim through a review of whatever synth, but most of the time testers seem to be not interested in this aspect.


It’s definitely the MIDI control aspect that’s the problem here. It’s become hideously unfashionable for synths to have any sort of MIDI control.

There’s not much at the cheap end of the market, especially given what you’ve already got. I think your options are basically something like a Micromonsta or Preen FM, a Korg Monologue or something like a second hand Blofeld or one of the Dave Smith modules like the Mopho.

There’s a lot of really decent little synths these days that have fuck all MIDI control. Shame, really.

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use whatever synth as one more machine, ready to be smashed or not smashed into the analog fx drive and effects …

And you can…

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Thanks for all the suggestions! The reason for wanting it CC controllable is that I just want to load up a song (song mode) and whatever synth is connected will play exactely like the last time.

I have to say that the - to me - most interesting synths that were mentioned here sadly don’t fall into that category. RoAT for example. That would be amazing!!! @.@

On a side note, I’m not so much interested in monophonic analogue synthesizers unless they do something radically different I can’t do on A4, Syntakt, Opsix and Hydra. Otherwise, I’d keep my Bass Station II which in itself can do almost complete songs thanks to patch flip. A setup I had for a while until I fell into the Elektron trap thanks to this forum :stuck_out_tongue:

But anyway, I decided to just wait until “G.A.S.” comes along for something that fits the bill and until then just be happy with all the monster candy I already have :wink:


Wise decition, you already have a lot of proper stuff!


Have a little look at the Twisted Electrons site, he makes a bunch of really nice lo-fi digital synths that, as far as I can remember, mostly have a lot of MIDI control as standard.


Yeah, I actually feel I don’t need more anyway, but since my workflow is a lot of times based on crushing things against things, I came to the idea to add two more “machines” to my Syntakt. Can’t wait to put user wavetables on my Microfreak against Syntakt’s yummie analog tracks in to the fx drive 🫦

The other mentioned synths are still interesting though, but I would sample those into my Digitakt (“recall” them that way) :wink:

Thanks everyone!


That MegaFM…


So much fun and so much possibilities.
But be aware… it’s a gateway drug to modular :-/
Works like a charm with Digitone or Digitakt (i have no Syntakt). You can use it as a really fat oscillator that can do overtones or subharmonics and feed it back and use Digitakts effects on it. It has also a good midi interface (can use velocity to control a CV-out on the coast)
Only the A4 has even more possibilities with it’s CV-outs…

check this guy:



That, uh, captures a lot!

Maybe an argon8 module might be interesting, it’s fully cc controllable and to my ears goes to very different places than the hydrasynth. Those can be had second hand for cheap, and the sound output volume issue has long been fixed (and ought not matter in your use case anyway). The most recent firmware adds some nice filter models with filter drive too, that sound different to the Syntakt to me (not that it’s territory the a4 can’t cover). The argon just has some really pleasant while weird wavetable sounds, on the off chance you want to layer pleasant on top of the industrial noise.

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miss mine so much.
what a nasty godsend!