A place to post my live jams

Hi all! This is a thread I will use to post my live improv jams, a thing I’ve been doing for a while, and will try to do on a regular basis (almost daily), since, well, practice makes perfect, right?
Some jams may be solo, some with others, can’t guarantee that they will be to everyone’s liking, heck, anyone’s, for that matter. To start it of, three jams from yesterday, one solo, and two with a friend who plays the Moog Sirin through the Sylphyo, a midi flute, with some non western tunings.
All the recordings are livestreamed, a habit that I intend to keep, as this makes the post editing almost non existent, and making me want to become more agile, since the pressure of an observer changes the outcome…
Hope you can have some fun with us :smiley:


You should also consider broadcasting live on Blast Radio.

You can get a broadcast plug-in for a DAW, or buy a hardware box.


Thanks! I prefer video, and comunicating with the people who are watching on multiple networks (yt, twitch, fb) over a single chat interface. So, sticking with this for now :slight_smile:

Two new live sets from the same day, some seven hours of live improv techno, started during the day at some 120ish bpm, finished in the night at 144.
Setup: OT as the brain and clock master, AR at the groove lord, Keystep 37 for note input, MX-1 as a mixer, D05 for polyphonic sounds, VT4 as the vocal processor, Toraiz AS-1 as a preset&improv mono, Dominion X Sed as another mono for improv, TB3 as a preset mono, and H9 for some reverb. The Circuit didn’t get used this session, although it is there and running on the same clock.

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a couple of improv jams with a view. The first one is from this morning, 8-10AM, and the other one is from yesterday afternoon.
They feature AR as the master, Circuit, Keystep 37, Toraiz AS1, Roland D05, SH01a, VT4 and MX1. Also some flute and throat singing :smiley:

covering some ground, there’s ambient, lo fi, hip hop, folk, dub, electro, techno and new wave, all improvised. Some beats were prerecorded, some made on the fly
hope anyone cares :smiley:

I had a look into this one and while it looks interesting/promising the fact that they require your phone number to register an account was an immediate red flag for me. I don’t see any technical necessity for that especially when you’re actually broadcasting from your computer.

Sorry for derailing OP‘s thread, keep on enjoying his streams.

Signal also requires your phone number. Why is it so bad ? ( Genuine interrogation here, no irony. )