A Show of Shows - Superbooth, SFF, NAMM - Spring 23

Fire --8 voice MIDI controlled percussion / synth from Flame Instrruments

Add this to the list of those polyphonic Eurorack modules shown. It also has an expansion module to give it 8 analogue trigger inputs and 8 audio outputs. It is a combination of virtual analogue, FM and wavetable sounds

Sonicstate article


Hey, people warned them about the name long before it came out and they held strong so it’s on them now :stuck_out_tongue:

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As s father of three, this opportunity is going to be hard to pass up. As to what causes it, i guess it’s a toss up between lack of time for sleep and bad sense of humour :thinking: oops…

On topic: i’m among the people starting to grow weary waiting for news on next generation Nord Lead :grimacing:


On the Eurorack Timetosser – what they showed, was a rough prototype, so expect change. But having CV control is nice, and clever too in that ( quoting the article ) “this thing is DC coupled, so, you could be resequencing your modulations, pulling chunks out of LFOs” and whatever else you might think of. Sounds to me they should be able to take the core functions of this device and make something that will standout in a Eurorack setup.

They showed this to get ideas and feedback from people, so they can adjust their design.

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I am looking forward to see and hear more if it. Looks like a great companion for DT!

Jam Sandwich – A new sequencer made specifically for accessibility for those with a visual impairment, but is accessible to those of all visual abilities.

I posted about it here :


“First look”…poor werding :grimacing:


So i just posted about a startup Electro Jam showing there first product at the SB show.

Here’s another potential first product, from an innovator and experimenter Chris of Sound Werkshop who has created a second experiment, that he is calling the Wiggler V2. He has innovated a control surface ( the green area at the bottom of the photo ), that uses an eight point capacitive contact grid that is floating on a movable surface, suspended by “flexure”, which are bendable arms with magnetic Hall effect sensors to see the motion that the bendable arms make.

The flexure system, is not too dissimilar to a single bend mechanism in the Haken Continuum actually, but has the capacitive contact sensors in addition.
BTW : All DIYers out there this basic concept, is available for your experimentation, as it would be considered common knowledge, so you could go create your own system of control.

It is a digital synth, and the synthesis model is quite simple at the moment, and creatively ready for his innovation. I expect this will undergo more innovation and there will be a V3.

The video shot at SB has to be the worst shot video of the show. Video queued.

Article from SynthAnatomy

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Reason Objekt Physical modelling synth

This sounds really great to me, and seems well presented in UI. ( Plus it is inexpensive. )
ADDED : I like the way randomize works, a useful way to get new things like what you are looking for.

Reason Objekt



So Gamechanger Audio besides showing their MOTOR SYNTH MKII have a new product.

It’s called the Plasma Voice, and it is in Eurorack.
It relates to their earlier products Plasma Pedal, Plasma Coil, Plasma Drive, and PlasmaRack. ( I never knew they had so many. )

I’ve queued this video, past the hype, and showtime presentation, to a sound part of the video with five Plasma Voices with five parts. They get introduced, as we go.

Lots of high frequency content with this synth.



Another video ( sounds only ) with the GR-Mega

This one needs a thread.



The knobs and sliders booth at 23 min is very nice!

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Has it been reported when the re-101 will be available for purchase?

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Which product?

The posts from this Superbooth are fascinating. All these luthiers of electricity… it is amazing. Like watching a cambrian explosion of all-synths-related.


Whoops, edited. I was asking about the re-101

I don’t think it was mentioned in that particular video.

Also the Sleepy Circuits endless rotary controller that features haptic feedback on the pots seems like it might have potential as a new(?) design concept! (32m50s)


I’m going to save up for that tasty chips mega. So cool.

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Mylar Melodies is great for a tour.

SonicState takes a walkabout every year, Nick is dealing with a knee issue, so this year Matt Hodson took the tour, and you really get to see the grounds and other attractions at SB.

A couple of things that i especially note in this are the look at the Nebula Instruments Euphone ( at 2:43 ) a resonating series of glass bars that make a sweet acoustic singing sound when stroked. I think of a glass armonica or perhaps a treble version of the Space Bass of Constance Demby.
Another resonant acoustic instrument at Superbooth.

And the other thing is the OK200 Degree a very playable sequencer / performance controller, that Matt is really interested in ( at 20:04 ). While this isn’t brand new at the show, it is still getting improvements. ( I found no other reference to it in this forum, so here it is. ) It’s a tad pricey, but large and involved, and versatile, and seems very “Eurorack”. ( Demo video )

OK200 Degree

Matt also has a short chat mit Herr Schneider, who made sure Matt gave another performance at SB, which apparently was very well received.