A stupid overbridge synchronization workaround


Everytime I am using overbridge, I used to feel somewhat uneasy when it comes to the not very stable sync, which kills my creativity.

Here is an old school DJ-style sync technic that never gets old. It works pretty well when recording a few bars and it lowers jitter :

  1. Set overbridge sync mode to “no sync”
  2. Set the the same tempo on both DAW and your elektron device
  3. Set your device to enable receive transport message but disable receive midi clock
  4. set your DAW to send midi clock to your device (via usb)

So because midi clock receive is disabled, there is not much jitter, but the elektron device will kinda sync with your daw as transport are synced : it is a kind of automated old school DJ sync, where you would start both your daw and hardware sequencer freely with no sync. When recording for too long, the clock start to drift, but it is perfect whenever you record a few bar loop.
