I’m wondering if it’s possible to somehow run both the A4/AR through Overbridge and Octatrack at the same time? I want to send the individual outs from the A4/AR out to Overbridge, and record the master outputs from the Octatrack into my DAW (Ableton) parallel to Overbridge.
I remember someone had a youtube tutorial video about aggregating audio, but I can’t seem to find it. If anyone has any knowledge on this or has successful accomplished it, I’d love to hear from you!
I tried this the other day, however It was a rudimentary set up.
I had my AR and A4 slaved to the OT.
Still haven’t gotten a proper sync so I just skipped that for now.
I guess you could aggregate but I’m not sure why you would want to.
The Overbridge plugins pipe in the Audio using some kind of voodoo.
In other words you dont need to select them in Ableton as the Audio Input Device.
For the Audio Input Device, just select whatever you have the OT jacked into, your soundcard or the built in input on your computer.
In Ableton you can just select the AR and A4’s individual outs per-track, and the OT from what ever means your capturing it.
I had to set the Track Delay to match up with the AR and A4, Overbridge will has less latency.
You will not able to capture all outs from the A4 and AR, you’ll have to sacrifice a couple things for it to all work.
After messing around with Overbridge and latency compensation values I’m back to good old Midi sync!
I guess Overbridge isn’t for me. It’s like a whole bunch of stuff that I don’t actually need but it stands in the way of basic functionality.