A4 Arp Stutter Problem When Recording With OB


If I record my A4 into Ableton Live 8 with OB, the notes stutter if I’m using an arpeggiator or if I have every note trig on, in the A4’s sequencer. So to clarify, if I use the arpeggiator (or sequencer) it sounds normal while recording, but when I go back to listen to the recording there are notes that are cut out, and it kind of sounds like it’s stuttering. Just curious if anyone else is experiencing this issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

could be a record quantize setting in ableton … turn that off I would suggest and see again…

Figured it out, I had the buffer size set to 128. Put it to 256 and all works well.

i started having the same problem on occasion… will also increase that buffer… cheers ajhalbr

OK so I’m still having this problem, buffer size set to 256 and still getting note drop out using the arpeggiator. Anyone else having this issue?

Figured it out, I had the arp length too high & it was making some of the notes cut out for some reason. Turned it all the way down and back to normal.