A4 external midi sequence

Hello , im using octatrack mk2 to sequence my synth and it works fine but for a4 im little bit confused because a4 lock trigs not working when im using external midi sequences 🥹 is there any trick / solution to fix that ? If i record sequence in a4 then lock trigs are working fine but i dont want to record em all

You are not sequencing the steps, you are sequencing the sounds…so you can adjust the sound of the track you are sequencing when using an external sequencer but you cannot use the sequencer itself as it’s not being used when using an external sequencer, so no adjusting the individual steps. You can use CC’s from the OT to motion record certain stuff but cannot use the A4 sequencer at all.

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So if im using octatracks for sequencer then i cant use a4 plock ? :see_no_evil:

From my experience with OT sequencing MIDI to DT and/or DN, the tridless trigs on DT and DN turn into scenes.
Let’s say you p-lock a filter on a track on DT (while sequencing it in MIDI from OT), nothing will happen. Now if you press that p-lock trig you just entered, the filter on DT will react to it :slight_smile:
That looks like scenes to me. You could have 16 different p-locks each on a different step on your DT and at the press of any, you could alter its parameters :slight_smile:
Have not tried it yet with A4 but will surely do this afternoon :slight_smile:

You can but plocks are applied only during release time (after NOTES OFF).
So you’d want to send short notes from OT, and set a longer release on A4.

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