Does Elektron even replace the MKI faceplates anymore? Should I just get a skin to cover it? Functionally as far as I can tell it’s fine. Some trig lights don’t light up, I can handle that for now. I know I will eventually have to send it for repair…
I don’t have a replacement for it and can’t really stand to be without it for however long it would take Elektron to fix and ship it back.
I don’t know, thoughts?
A) ignore it until it’s all chipped
B) buy a skin
C) track down a replacement faceplate
I’d email Elektron and see what they can do but if there’s nothing, do you plan on actively touring with it as well? If it’s mostly going to see studio use and mechanically/electronically it works fine, I’d just see what you can do to prevent it from rusting further and enjoy the patina!