A4 Feature Requests

It will have updates, it’s hard to imagine it won’t get some of the sequencer bells’n’whistles that have trickled out into the Model and Digi lines … in all honesty it’s kinda feature rich as it stands, it’s hard to know how they can keep its balance right by adding more options - i think it’s easy to overlook just how much it has in terms of flexibility as a package - small seq updates and bug fixes and overbridge related firmware tweaks for sure, beyond that it’s hard to know - but rest assured that Elektron are pretty good at rolling out surprise updates and keeping development alive - the main reason why it may be less frequent is the drain of overbridge developments and the sheer number of boxes in their lineup - as to when any of this trickles out it’s anyone’s guess - they had quite significant feature boosts fairly recently, so it may not be this year, but one can hope, especially for Track Chance/Probability from the Model/Digi line (as opposed to per step parameter locked Probability)


I’ve been thinking about the ctrl-all feature that is available on other devices, such as the Digitakt and the Digitone. Can anyone give me a good argument for why this would be a less suitable feature on the A4 (which I guess is the reason Elektron haven’t implemented it there)? I do realize that you can achieve a similar effect by creating performances, but that is quite a bit of work compared to just using the ctrl-all feature which instantly is available for all parameters from the start.


Yes would be nice on all Elektrons.
My favorite feature being OT’s crossfader/scenes, I really like A4 Perf.
I made some templates to control all, you can copy each page (A, B, C…) to another one to make it faster. You can copy / paste your template too.

Done with new OS?

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I’d really love the option to use the Randomize feature, but on a specific step, and all parameters get set as parameter locks.

This would be a great feature on pretty much any of the current generation Elektrons.


Hey !

Maybe I was mistaken, I downloaded the 1.50 OS version, but so if I use the “copy + paste” mode, notes can be added as “jump or standard mode”, but to add notes to a chord, notes won’t be added to the + note 2, + note 3 and + note 4, in fact I cannot add progressively notes to a chord am I right, this new mode is just a mode to write note one after the other ?

Thank you

The note lengths can overlap now which is much better,
but you still can’t overdub a note on the same step

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Sorry but I do not really understand the difference :confused:

  • what is the difference between jump and standard mode please

Jump depends on note length. With 4 steps note length, notes are written each 4 steps…


Okay Sezare Thanks, I understand now, it’s cool to use with the new conditional trig…

Can you also please tell me about the new “length” update ?


if your note length is set to 4.0 then when in jump mode, the sequential positions of the steps input will be every four trigs 1/5/9/13 e.g

in standard mode steps are added sequentially in steps of 1 1/2/3/4 etc

jump steps in tandem with the note length setting

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Okay thank you !

One other thing
Sadly the “recording + no” and the “recording” to delete or record prob values won’t work am I right ?

this is a feature request thread - the Probability is strictly a performance only non-lockable Track parameter - you lock TRcs per trig

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I wish for two features which are currently my workflow killers:

  1. Ability to disable pattern auto-save “feature” when changing patterns - what’s the logic behind it anyway? If I mess my pattern 1 and I move onto pattern 2, when returning to pattern 1 it will be messed because of auto-save :frowning: Ability to disable auto-save would be brilliant and I believe it has been already requested multiple times.

  2. Make a use of FUNCTION + Yes/No to “Save/Reload All” - parameters/pattern/kit/mutes. I want it to behave the same way as Digitone for example. Currently in A4, if I want to reload all - pattern and parameter state (filter for example), I need to press No + Kit + Pattern (3 buttons) and sometimes even Track button as well (4 buttons!). Try to unmute other track by pressing func + mute at the same time as well - impossible, unless you were born with additional pair of hands… In live situation this is PITA especially when controlling other machines simultaneously. It should be simplified by implementing this feature.


Why would the pattern be messed up?

Parameters are saved in kits, mutes are not saved, they are global. Trig mutes are saved with the pattern. Reloading kit or pattern would suffice.

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Parameter locks are saved with pattern…

In general pattern autosave makes the unit seem fragile and me insecure, takes away having easy fun with the sequencer for me.

Sure in some situations it may be nice ( for me not)
I wonder if there is a tecnical reason why its possible with kits in seq config: reload on change but not with patterns. Or even better make it possible to disable autosave completely.
If they would add that possibility i would try to trade tanzbär to a rytm or a42.
I chose tanzbär because of no autosave

A42 with 4 effects on the outs as drummer and a4 for pads and r hood sounds, everything without autosave, mmm my wet dream…

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Could you elaborate?

After all it comes down to personal preferences anyway, I prefer the way OT/A4/AK and AR work, I only save when I want to be able to go back to that state. No problem with pattern autosave.

Sure, I still in most situations only need to reload the kit.

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I agree with you its a matter of situation or taste. I added „ in my opinion“ ( im very outoors at the moment…)

I get that feeling from autosave.
The great sequencer invites to transform a pattern completey with AND without plock and have fun and i dont want to worry about autosave.
Have a nice day greetings from the swiss national parc


I would like to be able to add a line of text above chains in the arranger…
Would be good to be able to name each section so it’s not just numbers and easier to recognise parts easier… also for Rytm…

And possibly an infinite loop setting, I know you can just exit song or chain mode and have 99x but would be good to have it automatically do it a certain points

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You know, it’d be pretty handy if the Main Volume pot controlled the output of the A4 vst/standalone via overbridge. Not sure if it’s totally analog but if it has any digital output that’d be super handy.