A4 Feature Requests

Note Range (per track parameter)

As I sit here transposing away, I’m thinking it would be very convenient to have a Note Range parameter in the Notes Setup menu on each track.

There would be a High and Low parameter, where you set the highest and lowest note that track can play.

So if you set the range to C4-C6, and the sequence of that track includes an A3 note, that note would be played as A4 instead.

So far there is not much point to this, but as mentioned above it has to do with transposing:

Simply put, it would let you transpose a whole pattern without worrying about for example bass notes playing too high or low for their function. A transposed note that fell out of the range would automatically be played on the closest octave within the range.

So you could choose for example a one octave range for your bass sound while having other sounds transposable by a higher range, meaning you could transpose quite dynamically without losing bass punch.


it could also be an idea to have some kind of wrap around option there. Say you have a range of C3-C5, and then a sequence plays C3 C4 C3 C4 A2 A3 A2 A3. Here the A2 should be made into an A3 without a wrap around option: C3 C4 C3 C4 A3 A3 A3 A3.

That wouldn’t sound as intended, with the same note repeating four times.

If the A3 wrapped around to an A4 on the other hand, that sequence would be C3 C4 C3 C4 A4 A3 A4 A3, and closer to the intention.

Being able to input a chord form the mini keys into the arpeggiator without having to set the note 2 3 and 4 with the nobs.

this seems obvious, don’t understand why it wasn’t implemented in the first place. Possibly the sequencer was designed as mono from the ground up and the arpeggiator was added later?

this seems obvious, don’t understand why it wasn’t implemented in the first place. Possibly the sequencer was designed as mono from the ground up and the arpeggiator was added later?[/quote]
It’s a strange ommission for sure. You can play arp chords in realtime but it doesn’t record the interval changes.

Sound locks - when I hold down a step and rotate the level knob, it always starts from the very first sound. Would be useful if

a) it started at the currently loaded sound, or
b) there was some way of skipping through patches quicker

Midi out from the sequencer, notes, controllers - the lot…

MC202 esque sequencing mode for the CV outs. Step entry, auto-next pattern. The 4 separate CV channels already make it interesting for un-aligning your pitch and gate.

My 202 died and prices are not bad, but not great either, not really worth it when I don’t care that much about the synth - it’s good, but not unique and eminently focused like the sequencer.

Maybe this is already in the upcoming OS, however, would definitely like a sysex send all sounds option.

Idea for quick performance macro mapping (to avoid cumbersome menu diving).

  • Press and hold Perf button to get into perf macro edit mode.

  • Click the performance encoder/macro you want to target/select.

  • While still holding Perf go to any Page and Track and set the performance macro offset for a parameter by turning parameter encoder clockwise or counter clockwise. A parameter mapped to the currently selected performance macro will be displayed as inverted. The display could also show the macro offset for mapped parameters numerically.

  • Click mapped encoder to remove it from the currently selected performance macro.


  • And the track level knob could be used as a substitute for the currently selected/targeted macro when in macro edit mode.

someone else mentioned something very similar to this, there’s a great workflow enhancement somewhere within this idea, one to develop/present to Elektron for sure !

someone else mentioned something very similar to this, there’s a great workflow enhancement somewhere within this idea, one to develop/present to Elektron for sure ![/quote]
Yes, something similar to how Scene parameters on the OT are mapped would really enhance the workflow. Imagine having to map Scene parameters the current A4-macro way :confused:

Yes, great idea!


didn’t you mean +0x29A :wink:
save this idea 'til 2014 when the dust has settled on new OS and new box and they’ll hopefully not forget about it !

simple feature request :
(to use the din sync out as a standard analog clock)

all we need is one more clock division option for dyn sync . theres already DINSYNC 24 and DINSYNC 48 . if you take din sync 24 and divide it by 6 you can use that to clock an analog sequencer . i tried it with my modular sequencers and a clock divider and it worked .

so all we need is :

a DINSYNC 4 option in the sync menu . then we can use the din sync outputs and it free’s up one of the four analog outs that we use for clock

PLEASE ! that would be a simple way to give us EVEN MORE CONTROL ON OUR ANALOG GEAR

Muting with one hand would be great.

I imagine if the FUNCTION button was held for 1 second+
a FUNCTION button ‘HOLD’ feature could be activated.

This would also help in chaining patterns together into a pseudo jam/song mode.

*A couple more requests:

It would be great to P-lock multiple notes at a time.
for example: holding note trig 1,5,9,13 while adjusting a parameter.

Some 'LOGIC Machines" would be great


IF a ‘note’ with a value of 60 is triggered on track 1, THEN
‘cutoff’ on track 2 = ‘value x’
ELSE ‘cutoff’ on track 2 = 50

dude something like these logic machines would be insanely awesome! “programming the sequencer” would get an entirely new meaning.

(i still demand a full LISP interpreter that’s programmable via turning a single knob, like you enter names for kits etc.)


btw you can mute one-handed: peformance page, and disable grid-rec mode… mutes are on trigs 0-5.

your wish has already been granted !

i put forward this suggestion previously, it wasn’t received too badly ! not holding my breath whilst all this poly business is taking centre stage, but fingers crossed !

Don’t know if this have been requested before. But it would bee cool if the 2 envelopes that have the LEN parameters could be set to retrig mode. To make the envelope automatically retrig when it returns back to zero (as long as a gate is active). This would kind of give us 2 extra LFOs.

This would of course require LEN to be set to something other than OFF since otherwise the envelope would stay on the sustain stage and never reach zero.