A4 Feature Requests


i put forward this suggestion previously, it wasn’t received too badly ! not holding my breath whilst all this poly business is taking centre stage, but fingers crossed ![/quote]
i’m glad to know i’m not alone asking for this .
there is hope .

Programming note length:

When I push down on the rotary encoder, it should step through the obvious quantized note lengths, 1/64, 1/32, 3/64, 1/16… etc.

It does this sometimes, but it behaves unpredictably - seems to step through differently depending on what the value was before I pressed and rotated.

Furthermore, I wonder if displaying all note lengths as ratios (eg n/64 or n/128) would improve legibility?

Easy chages for big gains in workflow!

+1 for envelope follower from ext in!

What a super addition that would be, I’d give up the rvrb for that one…
Idea here would be to route it to CV out, and/or use it to modulate parameters in the A4, namely VCF cutoff.

+1 for key trackable LFOs, for FMing oscs

This next one is old and obvious but worth keeping on the agenda:


I like that in performance mode we can mute parts with the step keys. What if in that mode function+key was solo?

So, back to the feature requests!*

I know this has been mentioned before, but I’m mentioning it again:

Saving a p-locked trig as a sound.

If you hold a Trig Button with p-locks, you can then hold [Yes] and press [D1] to save that sound (the sound played by that trig with p-lock modifications).



Is it a good idea to start a new thread for the next update after 1.1?

It would be better if feature ideas were one per thread, with “A4 Feature Request: Poach Eggs” in the subject etc … rather than one thread with loads of different requests in it.
Or maybe Jon could make an A4 Feature Request subforum under A4?
Then there could be more focussed discussions about individual ideas … maybe the OP could add a poll feature at the start!

It would be better if feature ideas were one per thread, with “A4 Feature Request: Poach Eggs” in the subject etc … rather than one thread with loads of different requests in it.
Or maybe Jon could make an A4 Feature Request subforum under A4?
Then there could be more focussed discussions about individual ideas … maybe the OP could add a poll feature at the start!

Second that!

As discussed on another thread:

100% wet reverb on incoming audio, so that A4 can be used as an effects send from a mixer.

I’m told that the unit won’t do this as-is, but won’t get my A4 until next week to be able to experiment myself.

[li]OT-like individual time signatures per track.[/li]
[li]Transpose trigs.[/li]
[li]Ability to chain two+ A4 in order to control pitch of both units simultaneously from one of them (pressing transpose + button on integrated keyboard of one unit should change key note of second unit too).[/li]
[li]Transpose func (analog of Transpose+key combo on integrated keyboard) from external midi keyboard.[/li]
[li]Arp trigs![/li]
[li]Ability to change knobs resolution.[/li]
[li]func + (?button?) + track for solo.[/li]
[li]Ability to change direction of sequenser playback: forward, backward, random…[/li]

If the A4 had a tuner / meter for an external audio signal on the CV track tune screen I’d be very happy.

Something like the feature on the To Top Audio Z3000 VCO:


+1 for 100% wet reverb on incoming signal as well as on internal sounds (I’m assuming this isn’t possible either - if it is - show me the way!!!)

What do you mean under 100% wet reverb on incoming signal as well as on internal sounds ? Do you mean DECAY parameter of reverb set to 127?
If yes, I’ve described strange behavior of processing external audio signal with internal reverb and workaround in this topic:
“I don’t know is it a bug or feature but when you connects external gear to audio input and add reverb with DECAY parameter set to inf for processing incoming sound, the reverb sounds like it has DEC parameter set to much less than 127. But after you play any note on A4 with even very small velocity, reverb starts work normally (DEC = 127).”

LFO key tracking. This will make audio-rate LFO modulation to VCO and VCF much more useable.

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possibility of Microtonal scales with saving option

and chord setup ,chord helpers …

that solo thing is a good idea! (ala electribe)

This would add features similar to my Spectralis and make the A4 a much more versatile instrument. Same time signature on all tracks is a limitation that stifles creativity from a performance stance, big time.
All really great suggestions!!

Step-entry mode from an external midi keyboard, so not having to use the mini keyboard on the A4 panel.

i put forward this suggestion previously, it wasn’t received too badly ! not holding my breath whilst all this poly business is taking centre stage, but fingers crossed ![/quote]
i’m glad to know i’m not alone asking for this .
there is hope .[/quote]
I’d like a clock divider on the DIN/MIDI output in general, so to be able to half time other synths etc