A4 Filter Freq control by midi

Bonjour / Hello

je voudrais savoir si il est possible de contrôler va le midi in la fréquence du filtre de la track 3 par exemple et si oui comment…

i would like to know if it’s possible to control the frq filter of Track 3 for example with an external device by the midi

merci pour le temps que accorderez à me répondre

thanks for your help

You can!
Check the PDF manual’s MIDI appendix for the appropriate CC#.
MIDI channel should be 3, unless you changed it in Global> MIDI.

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and to add to prev reply you can also use the MIDI Auto Channel if you have Track 3 selected (together with the correct CC or NRPN midi message for finer control)


cc18 et 19 for filt1 et filt2