A4 FX in Ableton

hey! I have a very specific question.

is there a way to root the A4 effects into a return track via ableton!?

the problem here is that if all channels are assigned via ob in ableton, i.e. also the fx unit and the dry signal on the insert track are effected, then the effect does not go into the fx unit of four. so i’m wondering if there is a way to route the a4 fx into a return track rather than using an external pedal.

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I’m pretty sure the answer is no.

What are you trying to do?

I sampled the A4 reverb earlier this year so I could use it with Convolution Reverb Pro in Ableton… but, honestly, it’s better and easier to just use a reverb plugin (I use Valhalla Vintageverb) and simulate the way it’s setup in the A4.

I am unfortunately very fussy when it comes to the sound. I have done many expirements and e.g. compared the eventide space with all plugins and for me the pedal sounds much more authentic and direct. I just don’t like plugins. except so volume or lfo stories and compressors. maybe a phaser or something, although I would rather have a pedal here.

i ticked off the space and thus the reverb story. unfortunately no delay pedal like the timefactor. I also did a lot of experiments here and the delay from elektron sounds much more authentic and softer and somehow dustier than any plugin that I have compared against it.

unfortunately it’s not possible to drive the electron delay in a return.

Are you using the A4 as your interface or something else?

Are you using the fx for your A4 tracks or just as an fx unit?

Its definitely possible via hardware. With overbridge, I feel like there’s a way to do it but I’d have to brainstorm.

If I was able to route digitone tracks through A4s analog filters(I was) it should possible to use A4 as a send effect.

Maybe sacrifice two tracks, pan them left and right, and send the return track to respective tracks on the A4

hey! i use the a4 via ob. and use an audio interface via which the space runs and via a return channel. so i can drive every single track through the space as i like, including the a4 tracks.

I need the same now with a decent delay. if I e.g. if you want to drive a pad from the a4 rhythmically with an external volume automation and then use the delay from the a4, then it only recognizes the continuous pad and not the external automation. it would then have to work in such a way that all ableton channels could be sent through the a4 delay and that is definitely not possible.

if there is a trick here, it would be totally nice and it would save an expensive pedal. because the electron delay is nice for me.

the digitone tracks can be easily run through the A4 effects unit, i.e. filter, distortion, amp and fx. that works via the sidechain function, but that’s something else.

Well, the most idiot proof method of using an A4 as an FX return would be to run cables from your out to the A4 external ins. And then have the A4 master track be your fx return. Easy peasy(and I don’t have to research anything, which is great for me)

Its not optimal, but easily doable.

Overbridge configuration

I haven’t used A4 overbridge in a while, but surely there’s a way to route audio via USB just to its FX channel- which i assume would be your preferred method of doing things which you’ll have to poke around with.

If you’re unfamiliar, then just recognize which option A4 offers for receiving audio- go with FX if available(check the OB control panel for anything that needs to be turned on for Input)

Ableton configuration
Then in ableton have your return track configured not to send to main, but to your OB channel. You’ll probably already have an A4 master track in your project. FX audio will come in there

Hope this helps

thank you for your help!! but it’s about the fact that I can send each individual channel to the effect, without any detours. the way it works with the space, i.e. a return channel effect. it has to run properly, otherwise it’s too annoying.

no matter, then a decent dealay pedal is a must at the start.

What do you mean?

do you use ableton? each channel a send control. With this I can drive from any track in an effect that is assigned in the return channel.

you know that for sure. my english is not so good, maybe i expressed myself wrong.

I tested that again. that seems to work.

if you drive in via the fx side of the a4 via osc1 volume and then the delay, then it works and the sound effected via ableton is played through the delay. I hope you understand me. :wink:

However, I think there are pahsing problems here, I’ll check that out.

thanks for the tip.

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