A4: *Let's dump our A4syx dumplingS*ShareThread*

A thread to share A4’s sysex files.

We need a solid naming conventions and ALL suggestions are HUGE WELCOME!!

I’ll do my try:


would be something like:


That says: it’s a kit with a peculiar track (or more) using OscillatorFeedBack as main source for the timbre. Natively at 124 bpm, but i think this won’t be so important.
Finally…orignally called DolphinSonar.

Also exist: P+K (pattern+kit) - PATTERN - SOUND - else…

I created a Public Folder on my Dropbox and im puttin sysex in there…any other ideas to make some kind of server for this repository?

Here the link to my DolphinSonar.:



sweet :slight_smile:


A zip of sounds (no kits or patterns)

Check out the one called scrape. Changing octave gives different harmonics, it’s quite an interesting sound. The rest are all pretty run of the mill.


Super thanks!!!

Here’s the bass sound from [url=“https://soundcloud.com/billy-wood/catbells”]this tune. I was going for an SH-101 type sound but it turned out more like something from a Yamaha DX. Have fun.

^ nice one, thanks!

here’s 3 claps I’ve made:

(they’re also in the file section but this apparently can’t be linked)

No problem mate. Better late than never eh?!

I would like to add sounds here but have no idea how to save ( back up my individual sounds to computer). Any help would be appreciated

took a while, went looking for the black magic, found it eventually - O2p2 - sweet #learningnewtricks

round of applause :wink:

Connect your A4 to your PC (I do it with MIDI) then load up and configure Elektron’s free C6 application on your PC.

Prime C6 to receive sysex data then on the A4 got to Global>SysexDump>Send… then find whatever individual patch you want to send.

I did that but it did not see the pool f folder which is where my sounds are.

took a while, went looking for the black magic, found it eventually - O2p2 - sweet #learningnewtricks[/quote]
That ring modulation switch is like time machine to 1989! :joy:


This dump is not may going t be used as the ultimate kit…but it’s a wish for all Elektronauts to have a 2014 full and nice like a cornucopia (horn of plenty)

It’s a pattern+kit sysex called Dukale…that would underline a kitsch sounding material.

It’s mainly modified preset sounds

When i programmed this i felt like a dancing chamberlain.

Electronic Middle Ages for good hopes …hahahahah

Nice initiative!! If you feel like it, please upload your patches to the Files section. That way it’ll be easier for people to find your creations.

^ this would be more fun if we could link to the description of uploads in the file section :wink:

at least i haven’t found a way to do so… right now it seems only linking to the direct download is possible:

Yeah, I see your point! Will see what we can do about that.

a crappy emulation of an helicopter: the sysex is a KIT.

here the link