A4 Mk1 i/o question

Long time A4 user here but i’m new to overbridge and daws in general.

Is it possible to run audio from ext ins on my A4 into an audio track vst in my daw (ableton live) and then back to the main outs of the A4 for monitoring? I’m having a hard time figuring out how to set this up, seems to create a bad feedback loop.


Still having trouble figuring out the audio routing in overbidge.

Here is another example of what I’m trying to accomplish. Basically i’m trying to use vsts/ableton as an fx box for the A4. For example I have figured out how to route the audio from track 1 on the A4 into ableton and through a vst and back to the main outs on the A4 --> this pretty much works as expected but I’m getting both the “dry” audio from track 1 and the audio from ableton on the main outs of the A4. How do I stop the A4 from sending track 1 to the main outs while still sending it through overbridge?

In summary, I’m trying to route the A4 tracks into ableton and then monitor just the “wet” ableton tracks on the main outs of the A4 without the “dry” audio from those tracks also being sent to the main outs.

Is this possible?