Hey guys, I was wondering about the transparency (converter quality) in A4 mk2 for running analogue synths through. Did anybody do a comparison with some midrange audio interfaces for instance?
Context, I am passing on my OT mk2 because I found the converters to be crap and muffling the pure sound of my Matriarch to such an extent it was impacting my creativity. Whether by being overly sensitive or objective, it is something I feel as an end user. After playing with an A4 mk2 for a month I believe the two synths might be a perfect match, but I can’t test that theory transparency-wise without buying another one first…
Fun sidenote, I’ve been using a Focusrite Scarlett mk2 for many years now. While the converters are usable (and in DAW i can fix some top-end losses through postprocessing), the direct monitor is actually mono and absolutely horrible, so I tend to run the synth through a pedal and then directly into monitors. Recording live via A4 and Overbridge would be a UX dream though.
Have not made a direct AvsB comparison myself, but I have found the A4 mk2 inputs to be very transparent.
You could do some A vs B pretty easily. Setup a sequence, then record audio in via overbridge, then compare your recorded audio vs the sequence running via your standard monitoring. Should take like 5 minutes to record and swap. Hardest part may be matching your gain.
hey … I run my AR into my A4 and then mains out from A4 into my interface … I can’t tell of any degradation of the AR sound. In fact vs using separate outs from each into my interface or using overbridge from both …I actually far prefer the sound and ‘gelling together’ routing the AR into the A4 provides. Separately the dynamics of the AR overpower the A4 I found. Really happy tbh as live I can replicate this routing and it encourages to mix in the box 100%. Just a key thing is to dial in the panning width of the Ext In . I personally go widest possible but play with adjusting the volume slightly higher on Left as I place most of the AR drums that side
i have a matriarch, and a4mk2, just sold my otmk2 and I have a rytm
the inputs of the a4 work very well for the matriarch. No loss of sound.
i think the A4 is pretty flat, compared to the matriarch. A4 is amazing, but the sound of the matriarch is just a dream. I combine my matriarch with my digitakt, and now, it feels like all i need.
Thanks for the info. Yeah the two synths could be a dream combo - A4 for shorter sequenced sounds and Matriarch for massive, more complex soundscapes.
I just recorded a track with 4 layers of just the Moog and while it works, it is a bit difficult to gain stage properly and prevent frequency clashing.