A4 MK2 - Skins (Grey to black)


I bought an A4 MK2 quite a while ago but since then I also bought the “digi trinity” and I now have the feeling that my A4 would look better in black… (Actually, the set of 4 would be prettier)

I was wondering if anyone already tried some custom skins ? (For now I only found one on StyleFlip.com but if you know anything else, let me know)

If so, how is it looking ?

I am not planning to sell my A4 but, anyway, would it make it lose value ?

Have a nice day :wink:

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A small update :slight_smile:

I could’nt find anything else than StyleFlip but @shigginpit kindly told me about xpowersdesign - they don’t make A4 skins yet but I contacted them to see if that would be an option.
(Their Digi skins are really nice btw)

Still couldn’t find any answer to me question about the value of a box with a custom skin. Any advice?

StyleFlip says their skins are easily removable, so theoretically it shouldn’t affect resale value.

yeah I noticed that too but I would like to know if anyone already experienced it :smiley:

What they write is something but I would rather have a confirmation :innocent: