A4 MK2 Strong Trigger Click with variable filter (1.30B)

Hi there, on a brand new A4 mk2 i have a strong click when note triggers. No matter what curve i use or envelope settings (also if envelopes are all disabled). Cleary audible on triangle wave can’t get rid of it with attack or decay. Any ideas?

it happens any time trigger starts during release.

update, the click is correlated to the variable filter: upper the low pass works fine, if the vaiable filter is used it introduces a trigger click not correlated to envelopes.

Are you on OS 1.30B?


Mine doesn´t do that. I recommend urgently that you file a support ticket at Elektron. Might be a filter calibration issue.

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just opened it :wink:

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here if you set the variable filter say to LP, when you close it down you can hear clearly a trigger click also if you close it to maximum.

Hi, what determines when the “ENV F” is triggered to happen? I thought it was when a note-on message happens but mine seems to loop the faster I set its decay? ENV 2 works as expected but not ENV F.

Edit: I have a macro knob that has ENV F’s sustain turned all the way up (if I turn that down it stops happening) but I don’t understand why it would give this envelope looping behaviour.