A4 MKII and Overbridge

Hello all !

I just receive my Analog Four MKII ! and played around since two days didnt sleep a lot ! The machine is so incredible,
I just wanted to connect the machine on my computer (Macbook Pro 2017 with Sierra) and realize Overbridge wont recognize the A4…
In the parameters of the A4 i just have : USB CONFIG / USB MIDI ONLY…
So, it is a noob question i am ok but what i can do for that ? Did i miss something?
My AR run very well with Overbridge

Overbridge is not available yet for the MKII.


thanks… clear answer…

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Yeah it’s listed all the way at the bottom:

Overbridge for Analog Four MKII will become available later this year.

Hope it’s not too much later but I’m happy with mine, it arrived on Saturday. It’s giving me a change to learn the awkward sequencer again.

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yes it is fine it will be available later… Like that we can explore with the machine only before adding digitals stuffs :wink:

Didn’t know that, I presume it will be a paying upgrade to unblock OB for new mkII owners?

there is suppose to be a new version of OB and it is supposed to come in 2 flavors basic (free) and premium. Premium obviously has more features.

heres from the elektron site

_Overbridge for Digitakt, Analog Four MKII and Analog Rytm MKII comes in two variants: Basic and Premium. Overbridge Premium for Digitakt is 69USD/79EUR. For Analog Four/Rytm MKII it is 89USD/99EUR. Overbridge Premium will be available for purchase in the Elektron webshop. Overbridge Basic will be free of charge. Both Overbridge variants will become available later this year._

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