A4 MKII Arpeggiator: Bug or Feature?

Elektronauts - I was confused while fiddling all day on my A4 and using the arp:
While going to the SETUP page, I can define the length of the ARP - fine.

But: I expected to be able to mute specific steps, like it is possible in the Digitone Arp setup.
(I am still working on 1.40 - is this a bug? Or a DN-only feature)?

Thanks for your help!



I have not setup my A4 Mk2 currently, but last time i used it, and that was on 1.40, i remember that it was possible.

UPDATE: Acutally…i am on 1.50…

At least it is not explicitly mentioned in the manual (p. 43/44),

So my question would be “how”?


The 16 buttons from the Sequencer represent the Steps of the Arp. To mute a Step, press the appropriate button on the Sequencer (it will unlit).

Presuming that you are in the Arp Setup.


Thank you so much - that was really easy! :blush:

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