A4 – Overbridge 1 vs Overbridge 2 GUI

I really hope Elektron would reconsider the GUI of OB 2 for the Analog Four, and go back to several aspects of OB 1 that were much more efficient, mostly (I think) for 2 reasons : 1) the ability to see both oscillators at once; 2) the ability to see both filters at once.

Basically, the OB 2’s GUI is wasting a lot of space with the Amp section, but most of all with the Modulators section, which should be a tab on top aside FX and CV.

Also missing in OB 2 compared to OB 1 : the ability to DELETE a sound! or overwrite a sound…


Agree on seeing both OSCs at once, that’s one of the advantages of Overbrige and now that’s missing. I remember this was raised even before the beta launched as there was already some screenshots around but it doesn’t seem to have been noticed much.

Agreed. When i got AK some years ago, it was a breeze to program with OB1. The new GUI is a step back in usability.

Never used OB1 but the layout you’re describing actually sounds way better!

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Is that v1 or v2 @Mkdre?

That was V1…

Looking for a v2 screenshot… / what does v2 look like?

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Thanks @Mkdre. I use neither obviously.

Personal UI/UX opinion is that having access to both Oscillators, Filters, etc. ala v1 is a lot better
option. Mind you, still flaws there with regards to Modulations, Envelopes etc.

Suits me better to have it all on one page instantly accessible :wink:


most important thing would be to see both Osc and both Filters at the same time (like it used to be), since they really work in pair. I also liked the previous LFO section better, but no big deal. I’m just surprised that the new GUI was so much less practical, with no apparent gain in anything, and I find it even looked better before… Well! Overbridge is still much improved in stability.

Last thing that’s a real problem is the inability to delete a sound in the soundbanks (only in the soundpool that you can); and it was possible in OB1…

Hi. Does Overbridge 1.15 supoort A4’s new firmware 1.4?
