A4 overbridge - modulators section - what does it do?

I’m trying to figure out how the Modulators section of the A4 Overbridge app relates to the controls on the actual box. What do each of VEL, PB, MW, BRE and AT actually mean? Each seems to be able to modulate up to 5 destinations. I’m just wondering where on the A4 these modulators exist? I thought it might be performance mode, but that’s covered under the Kit tab in Overbridge. Are they midi related I wonder?

Can anyone explain?

Velocity, pitchbend, mod wheel, breath, and after touch are all found in each tracks sound settings. I haven’t owned an A4 in a few years so not quite sure of the button combo to get to the page, and I’m not sure if they can be recorded into the sequencer.

I used them more in live settings with a midi keyboard, they’re a great way to get expressive sounds!


Check page 34 of the A4 MkII Manual


Awesome. Thank you for the explanation :slight_smile:

@orcoaffamato Cool. I have mk 1, but same page for that manual - all makes sense now :slight_smile:

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