A4: repeats / retrig / ratcheting

I’m always trying to learn how to get complex “idm” type beats out of my gear. I’d love to combine trig consitions with retriggered trigs… in the Ot there is the retrigger function as well as the counts in the micro timing. Bu it has no real step probability, which the A4 has so well implemented. do you know any retrigger type work around in the a4? Because in my opinion drums can sound pretty awesome in the A4… Thanks for suggestions!


I’ve had some success with setting the amp volume to zero then use an LFO to modulate volume. P-lock the speed, depth, shape, to get some variations and retrigger type sounds.


I’m just thinking aloud because I haven’t actually tried the following, but could you P-Lock the Arp to act as a virtual retrig function, or is that not possible?

Yeah unfortunately no p-locks for A4’s arp. We already talked about rdm lfo in Ot, but you can p-lock Ot’s arp…
Couldn’t find better than Ot for retrig in A4.

yes. What one machine does great, the other one is lacking and vice versa…

p-lockable arp and arp paramters as lfo destinations in the A4… on the top of my feature request list!


I tried Lfo with impulse wave too. Maybe the best way to be closer to retrig feel.

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what is the impulse wave?

Sorry the EXP Lfo waveform.
You can set it to SPD 32 and MUL 32 and modulate its Multiplier with Lfo2, hold and rdm.
Apply it to filters FRQ with noise for ex.


Not sure if it would do what you want but maybe automation/lfo/p-locks on delay speed/mix/feedback?

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Yes. I should spend some time with delay settings. Thanks.

I just tried delay, can be added but it’s less convincing than lfos.
Can you give audio exemples of what you really what to achieve ?

Conditional. Trigs.

They are great :wink:

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They changed the game for sure.

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Condionnals for retrig ?


Yeah, this demo is a good example. Thanks a lot. I will read through the thread tomorrow!
This would also be good example… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLCVYQzEy5E&t=62s
The Varigate (4 and 8) combine Step probability and repeats. I have no space in my case left :slight_smile: also no drum modules. I can achieve beats in this style in ableton and the Octatrack, but most of the time, I’m modulating sample selections…
Using samples feels a bit like cheating, it would be great to use my own synth drum sounds. And the A4 can do great drums I think. P-locking sound slots is great, and condtional trigs as well. But for me the repeats are missing.

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As Void and Simon mentioned, for the exemple above, it works well with Exp or Saw Lfo1 on Osc 1 Lev, modifying Lfo1 Mul with Rdm Lfo2 and Hold.


I will try that stuff tomorrow and report :slight_smile: thanks for your help. Much appreciated

Sorry I didn’t realise you talked about lfos on Level too, that’s efficient indeed.
For kicks, filter may be better…