A4 voice routing


I am wondering if it is possible to disable a voice allocation for a specific track on the Analog Four.

For example, I would like to sequence external gear via Midi on tracks 1-3 and sequence the 4 voices on track 4, in order to play the sound on track 4 polyphonically.

So far I could not find a way to do this… Is it possible?

Thanks a lot

Sadly, not - would be VERY useful

Could be achieved by designating a new ‘machine’ a MIDI machine - then the track will free up its voice - sounds like a feature request

Obviously you can use FX and CV tracks to MIDI sequence, but you’re suggestion needs 3 tracks and the solution seems so close to hand … if only !


Or if, when adjusting audio routes, choosing not to send T1 to main would free up T1’s voice. That’d be cool.

Sadly, as it stands now, it gets muted, of course. But I have to remind myself that originally voices and tracks were super tightly bound and all these new fangled polyphony tricks are actually hacks :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply guys, I might suggest this as a feature request… We can always dream about it :wink:

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