Ableton 11 Ext Instrument + Digitone MIDI port issue

Brand new to the Digitone so please excuse my beginner question.

I’m using the External Instrument device in Ableton 11 with the Digitone. I’m hearing two layers/patches instead of one when under Live’s Preferences, under MIDI ports I check the “Track” boxes for In and Out, as well as the Remote boxes.

If I uncheck the ‘Out’ Track box - I correctly only hear the patch I’ve selected in the Digitone, but then the Ableton MIDI clip I have going won’t trigger the digitone. If I check the ‘Out’ track box, the clip plays, but it seems to be playing two patches/layers at once, not just the one patch I’m trying to play in the digitone. Any idea how to fix this?

Welcome ! DN is a great choice :relaxed: !
Maybe check your midi configuration on DN, what are the channels for audio tracks, for midi tracks, (do you use the midi tracks ?), for auto channel and did you activate “keyboard send to ext” ? (if so deactivate for further diagnosis)