I enabled OB in usb config. Ableton doesn’t see DT as a midi device (did previously) and OB doesn’t detect that its there.
Windows 10, latest OB OT and Ableton
I enabled OB in usb config. Ableton doesn’t see DT as a midi device (did previously) and OB doesn’t detect that its there.
Windows 10, latest OB OT and Ableton
Did you uninstall first?
Not uninstall, just deleted the previous .dll
I’ll try that later.
Do a full uninstall and reboot, perhaps that may help
That did it thanks
We should probably have a pinned FAQ or something in the overbridge forum that lays this out. lots of people get tripped up each time they release a new version because they forget they have to do a full uninstall of overbridge between versions.
I’ll check the installer, but it should be absolutely noting that users do this on the first menu.
Sure it’s good policy for users to do this, but if everyone is missing it somehow, it’s on Elektron to make it clear.
Hell, Elektron should WARN users if they’re installing over existing installs.
Why can’t they update it without a full uninstall first though? Ive updated loads of programs and plugins without doing full uninstalls first. Its not like it can’t be done.
Overbridge is not just a normal program or plugin. It consists of various parts and it requires its own device drivers which are tightly integrated into the OS. Depending on the OS replacing device drivers “on the fly” is either complicated or not an option at all.
But, yeah, the installer should take care of this and should force you into an uninstall if it is required.
Programs and plugins are not low level system drivers. Operating systems hold onto and retain some of them with a fairly firm grip.
This. At some point this is understandable but poor usability if it allows you to install when the existing files are in use and inaccessible for update.
And it’s certainly poor usability if this keeps happening and expecting the end-user to understand how drivers work on a low level.
I don’t blame people for being frustrated that they need to come here to understand why OB isn’t working when the installer allowed them to complete successfully.