Ableton crashes while assigning Midi parameters to Keystep Pro knobs with Overbridge VST on (Live 10.4, OSX Mojave)

Hey guys I just got the Arturia Keystep Pro and while I’m using the Overbridge VST (for my DT) Ableton crashes everytime I attempt to assign Midi parameters on Ableton to one of the 5 KSP upper right corner Control knobs (it proceeds but then Ableton crashes and exit, every single time), making it unusable.

Is there any work around? Not sure whose fault is it here, Arturia half cooked and beta tested firmware or Overbridge? I’ve checked with every other piece of gear/software I have and it’s all fine, only with Overbridge on it crashes, every single time guaranteed.

Which version of Live? Apparently Live 9 was broken by the recent MacOS security update.

Mother f#ckers. I’m on high Sierra. Hopefully they won’t break that?

I’m on Ableton Live 10.4 and OSX Mojave 10.14.6

I didn’t update the latest 2 macOS security updates from March 2020 and November 2019 (I think) as I heard it would cause a mess, so I ignored them. I ignored Catalina too, didn’t want to take any risk and also most of my Kontakt library (32 bits) would have been useless :slight_smile:

Any thoughts?

May be worth sending the crash report to Ableton, they’ll come back with the exact issue and how too sort it.
Worked great for me. Exactly the same thing was happening too me except the issue was Sonarworks.

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No MIDI feedback loop?

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Okay FYI after speaking to Arturia support it’s fixed this way.

In Keystep Pro settings > Utility > Controller > Knob 1/2/3/4/5 > Port > Usb

This way no more conflicts with Overbridge and Ableton crashes.