Ableton Lite no use for OB?

Hi I just got a free copy of Ableton Lite with my focusrite 2 pre (thunderbolt)
I’m trying to get everything working with Logic, but since Ableton is supposed to be easier I’ve been trying it out

However, the Lite version only has 8 tracks available
And when setting up with my AR it counted 4 midi and 4 audio as the max
which only enabled me to record 3 tracks as 1 of the tracks was the plug-in

Anyway, am I doing something wrong, or does the 8 track cap mean I can only record 3 tracks at a time?

BTW the sync does seem tighter in AL compared to LPX

Imac 27 2017 8gb ram

8 tracks is the limit in lite, yes.

Out of interest can I ask why you need 4 midi tracks? Are you sequencing the rytm from Ableton?

Edit: ignore that, I just looked at the limitations again. You only get 4 audio inputs (mono), so cant see much else you can do.

Ty Alastair, I might be mistaken but I thought I needed 4 midi tracks to route the audio to the audio tracks?