Ableton Live 11

Looks like a pretty solid update to me. I’ve never really been a fan of the standard/suite versions because I don’t want or need the extra instruments etc (and I don’t like Max4Live) but I really admire how they keep adding value to the Intro version. They added the complex warp modes at one stage and now they’re going to double the scenes to 16. That’s enough for me to experiment with groups of clips with follow actions for semi-random behaviour and also 16 tracks goes a long way when you can submix the drum rack pads within a single track. I’ve gone to Bitwig in recent years but, if I’m honest, I don’t use most of the “deep” features and Ableton is much snappier on my 7 year-old MacBook. For £50-ish with free upgrade to v11 Ableton Intro is looking tempting again.

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…so global daw nr. 1 makes sure to stay nr. 1… :wink:

…looking good…but nah…i left it behind with suite 8…but i guess, they were always fair when it comes to official licenses bought fresh and a main update release in sight…they still will…
nr. 1 is nr. 1 status…no fluff on this one…
and there is stil no comping in ten…???
and probability…well, that’s no big news in sweden, is it…?

aaand…i remain a lucky newbie to bitwig…
and their main update to 4 is also next year to come…and so far, not missing anything in my berlin mindset stretch thing compared to the other berlin mindset stretch thing…

Looks like a really good update for what I‘ve been wanting out of Live (comping, mpe support etc).

I was holding back for a nice deal on a Studio One v5 update, but maybe this will come first after all.

Anyone speculating this is a precursor to a Push 3?

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probably. but it could take some time… I guess MPE is coming and hopefully some kind of standalone features, midi at least. I found it annoying to give up so much space for something that can’t be used without live, like a launchpad.

a friend just pointed out that a new push could also get 16 encoders.

but they made sure push 2 is still very relevant with this update. what I love!

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Is there anything vaguely concrete on it even being in the pipeline?

they did a real good job with the UI, lots of elements feel more considered now.
always loved ableton UI anyway

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Just got caught up on the new features. Very exciting.

A push with MPE pads so your fingers position on the pad is recorded.

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One cool thing with this update is that it makes Push 2 into a poly-aftertouch controller, which is probably the most useful “dimension” anyway IMO

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Haven’t used Live10 Suite in half a year but this looks good, I am upgrading :thought_balloon:

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M4L devices have spoiled me, like with sequencers with probability/polyrhythms etc. But as a Live 10 Suite user I’m pre-ordering anyway. Can’t resist. I do like the 16 macros and randomize feature. The bouncy ball device is cool but I have the Isotonik gravity pack and some free M4L bouncy ball devices so I’ll have to see if the new one adds anything. I wonder if they’ll release a Push 3 with 16 encoders to go with the 16 macros. Would have been awesome if they had created something like BW’s The Grid.

Im still on ableton 9. Ive been waiting to see what comes out with Ableton 11. Im not really impressed. New features sure, but it appears alot of old problems will remain.

Ive been wanting to try bitwig for awhile now, and i think the time is now

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This update looks good.

Probability: I can dig the implementation of probability in the Clip View, already imagining how I’d use it to record MIDI notes from my other sequencers, go in and tweak some steps’ probabilities, and send the sequences back while recording the audio. A bit different, and more direct than using M4L devices, and so the workflow should be quick and easy. Velocity chance is a nice touch that my drum racks will appreciate. No more using an LFO to humanize velocity.

Comping: Heh, I recorded several jazz and blues ensembles of various sizes around 12 years ago with Live v.7, got pretty used to a workflow of just duplicating tracks with quick key commands and having a few other key commands set up to get my own sort of comping workflow to actually work. It would take some time to unlearn my own quirky workarounds.

Tree Tone: At first glance, I thought this might be similar to Sonic Charge’s Synplant, which is a truly amazing instrument that uses macros in very fun, visceral ways, but lacks control of lower level synth parameters. Maybe Tree Tone has that vibe, but with more accessibility to the lower level controls, as well as bonus functions (resonating incoming audio looks nifty).

Emit: Oh, look. Iris for Live. I already own Iris, but I would check it out. I imagine its sample handling within Live to be a smoother experience.

Noticing a trend here? Easier/smoother ways to do things I was already doing.

Follow Actions Update: This is real exciting. I’m a big fan of follow actions, and if you aren’t using them, you are missing out. Linkable to clip length is a worthy addition. The more functions these have, the better. Follow actions are almost like a song mode that can reside within a single track, in session view. A huge, often overlooked feature.

All of that said, I’ve only had v10 for a year now, and with all the hardware I have, I never felt it was lacking, and seeing how there is no big interface re-design changes, I may hold off until v12 or v11.5. That might change once the other new updates are revealed in greater detail, like the AAS instrument updates, and the “improved browsing”.
If I had slower computers, the improved CPU (and per track) % metering might also push me off the fence.


I’ve just preordered (mostly for comping and probability - I’m a crap guitarist and crap at composing so comping will be useful to do everything in one DAW and I find that anything even trending towards generative is far better than having any talent whatsoever)

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:thinking: I also wonder if this will be the lowest/“oldest” version to run on Apple Silicon.
If so, that’s going to make getting a new Mac even more expensive for Ableton Live users


I’m still on Live 9. This is definitely worth the upgrade for me. I really need a new computer first though.

The improvements to the rack macros and the snapshots look great (surely they’ll add snapshot morphing to that feature?).

I agree with Adam Jay about the Follow Actions. They’ve been needing an overhaul for ages. There have been Max4live workarounds but Scene follow actions from the main interface is exciting!

Tempo following could be interesting depending on how well it works.

Poly aftertouch for Push is amazing too.

Good update.

my ableton upgrade cycle is just about in sync with my iphone upgrade cycle - every other one. so maybe i’m a buyer of this.


:thinking: Might wait a bit before getting a Push 2…

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Ooh - that’s a good point - I ended up moving to 10 on my Macbook ! (I ended up sticking with 9 on my windows desktop machine for ages and ages…)
I will likely get a new laptop in the next year or so this is an important consideration…