Ableton Live 11

nice no talking just jamming w/new features video from ned rush. nice one.


Push 2 is 5 years old now this month, and released with Live 9.5. Now that Ableton 11 is coming out, its inevitable that a new push will be released at some point soon. My guess is it will have full MPE supported pads sort of like like what the dreadbox medusa has (not just poly aftertouch that will be added to Push 2). Iā€™m hopeful anyways.


I would love a Push 3. I feel like of everything Iā€™ve owned, the Push 2 is probably the most awesome piece of gear for which I have the longest of wants (more encoders, some faders, etc.). Ableton should just say screw it and make an XL version that is like 30 inches wide that has everything in it. And then a 14 inch wide one for the compact crowd.


Check my Ā“grand ducā€™ m4l device
Edit : not what youā€™re after.

Same 159ā‚¬ for me, but Iā€™m still on Live 9 Suite, so the deal is much, much sweeter for me (not that Iā€™m going to take them up on it ā€“ just got Bitwig).

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With zero info up to now, we simply donā€™t know.

That mega-push just suggested sounds great, although Push 2 takes up enough space on my desk already! A standalone version to rival Maschine+ was talked about over in that thread, but I reckon itā€™s more likely weā€™d get something close to the current version with a higher res screen, to allow more to be done without looking up at your monitor. And yeah, more knobs would be nice.

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Mine is $183 (~155ā‚¬ with todays rate) from 10 Suite to 11 Suite. With the early preorder discount, 9 Suite to 10 Suite cost me $249 back in Feb 2018. So itā€™s 20% less than the last upgrade.

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i wouldnā€™t be surprised to see a push expander controller with knobs and faders or something like that. maybe a push 3 that doesnā€™t have pads and a push 3 that does have pads.

iā€™m still a mouse user and never find controllers to be that great of an experience.


The Live 11 page says a the bottom:

  • OS X 10.13 or later

10.13 is High Sierra, so youā€™re good.

Im in same boat as you. my Mac Pro is a champ! 10.6.8, holding strong.

looking forward for the new foow tempo feature to play with a live drummer. the hybrid reverb also sounds promissing. Yes, the stats went up, 8 gig of RAM os now minimum. But on macOS the say, it need an Intel Processor. wrotes that there is no native support for the new M1, so im curious how this will run with rosetta 2 on the new mac hardware. Also no mention of MIDI 2.0. Missed opportunity ā€¦

I feel like Ableton have seen the year-on-year pricing structure of Bitwig and are going to ramp up the version numbers on a yearly basis from now on to match them. So more incremental changes rather than big ones for a lower cost each time. After all, they are their closest competitors.

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I feel like I just upgraded to 10 after a bunch of heel dragging because I was so used to 9. I figured they would do a couple free updates, I guess not.

Wah Wah :sob: 1st world problems

I use about 1/10th of the current functionality, but I guess some of this is slightly intriguing. Randomization and probability are probably the two most attractive aspects because I have become so accustomed to using those concepts in modular. The rest of the stuffā€¦ what are the chances I will use those features?

At least this upgrade is a little less.

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Yeah, but the built-in apps like Pages nag me about updating the Mac OS

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True, and Bitwigā€™s annual update plan (for Studio) is 159ā‚¬.

Iā€™m still hoping a minor release of 11 will add ARA2 support to finish the vocal recording feature setā€¦


Possible solution:

Off topic

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What is comping? Iā€™ve never heard of that before.

im not so sure weā€™ll see a push 3 yet ( but Iā€™d like one!) ā€¦

partly becuase I canā€™t really envision what the new form factor would be.
the push 1 to push 2 , was largely driven by the need for a high-res display. whats the driver for push 3?
I cannot see a small updateā€¦ as itā€™ll be hard to get your push2 owners to upgrade.

(if anything its already a bit big, so they cannot just add 8 more encoders, the screen is already fine as-is)

if anything i see more of a need for extending the push familyā€¦
pehaps a push-lite (small form factor, less/smaller pads?) or a keyboard with push controls/display.

the other direction I guess is follow maschineā€¦ so built in audio interface (makes sense for those starting out) or do they go the whole hog, and look at standalone? but thatā€™s really a completely different productā€¦


Havenā€™t watched his video yet, but I saw his IG post in the bleary-eyed moments when I woke up and was totally surprised.

Some of the creative comping ideas on the Sonicstate walkthrough and the new follow actions made me think of Ned straightaway.

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I donā€™t need a standalone Push 3, but Iā€™d be into some more performance centered upgrades.

Like, have top level macro controls for a whole project.

Or, letting me define on the first screen what the main controls are for their internal synths and effects