Ableton Live Elektron Ext Effect

I have been trying to set up my Elektron Devices with Ableton Live. But I am struggling with routing Audio out from Ableton and back in again to make use of the effects. I am using usb for the Audio. I was not able to pass audio thru the Digitones Effects. I appear to have more options with the Syntakt but I am still unsure how to set this up. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Go to Settings -> Audio Routing and you can set up USB audio routing as you want, pre-fx or post-fx.

From the Syntakt manual (section 14):

14.4.4 USB IN
Sets where the incoming audio from the class compliant device is routed to in the Syntakt’s signal path. This parameter is only available when USB CONFIG is set to USB AUDIO/MIDI. For more information, please see “14.5.1 USB CONFIG” on page 72.

PRE-FX the incoming audio is routed in before the Syntakt’s Analog FX block and will be affected by this and then be sent at the main outputs.

POST-FX the incoming audio is routed in after the Syntakt’s Analog FX block and will not be affected by this. The audio is then sent at the main outputs.

OFF No sound is routed from USB to the Syntakt.