Ableton Live M4L Template

Hi all, I made a template earlier for the MD in Max For Live that might be useful to others…or rather, I built an existing M4L device ( into a drum/instrument rack, which puts each track on a drum rack pad allowing you to play/sequence it like any other drum rack in Live, and the ability to automate any parameter in Live as well. There is an External Instrument on each track as well, and a mono Utility at the end of the rack for master volume control. You will need to have the MD on Base Channel 1-4, and in case you need to reassign the External Instrument I/O you will need to use 1 channel for every 4 tracks (ie channel 1 for BD-MT, channel 2 for LT-CB, channel 3 for CH-CC, and channel 4 for M1-M4).

Two other things to note-unfortunately, the M4L template does not display the parameters in the same order they appear on the Machinedrum, showing most of page 2 on Bank 1 etc. As it isn’t my template and I’m just getting started on learning how to make things in M4L I don’t know how to correct this yet, but if someone does know how and want to update the device that would be awesome. The other thing I noticed is that the first time I made this rack the individual track parameters defaulted to the 1st track in the channel (ie changing parameter 1 on the SD changed BD parameter 1, although triggering a note still triggered the correct track). I updated the connections and resaved the template and all seems to be good now, but in case you have issues try selecting the correct track from the template and resave the rack.

Anyhow, hopefully this is useful to someone. Personally, I like the idea of being able to program sequences longer than 64 steps, or being able to automate parameters via clips or song mode for longer/different transitions-kind of a blast to program a sequence on the MD sequencer with p-locks etc, and then record additional parameter changes into clips that you can fire at will, kind of like scenes. If people find this helpful I’ll happily add it to the Files section.

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The link is dead apparently. Would happily try this. Can you upload it again?

can you reupload please ?

Hey, have you solved it,? I could give you a lift…
Let me know…
