Ableton live over bridge RME Fireface UC midi/audio problems

Hi, I have some problem with my A4 and overbridge…

in overbridge if I move filter, env, fx etc… with my mouse I have a lot of crack, sync lost, tempo Up/Down, noises, glitch…

A4 is connected directly on my MacBook Pro 2,2 , sound card is RME Fireface UC connected directly on USB port (no HUB)

I tried some latency (64 to 512) in Ableton and over bridge both…

Funny thing , In Ableton if I select MacBook Pro audio out I can move lot of parameter in overbridge without problem everything work fine… If I select again my Fireface UC problem starts again…

My RME is up to date , I tried to install / uninstall but nothing help…

(I have 2 fireface UC , one as sound card, the second one as converter, I tried to switch but no good result)

any ideas ?

Overbridge usb bandwidth perhaps colliding with your soundcard? What happens if you use as few overbridge channels as possible and use 16bit instead of 24?

Is there a buffer setting still on the overbridge control panel? That might affect things as well.

hi , problem is gone , just changed soundcard usb cable… everything is working great now…

buffer size 64 in overbridge and ableton , (overbridge main + 4 outputs in 24bit). no more click or midi problems :slight_smile:


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