Ableton Master Track Chain for Live Play

Hi there,

I’m planning on running a charity stream on New Year’s Eve, and I’d like some advice. I am using Ableton as just a software mixer that combines my tracks and feeds the master into OBS - not even using MIDI sync. Since it is running through Ableton, I figure I might as well take the opportunity to “pre-mix/pre-master” and set it up in a way that enhances the overall mix.

For a live performance setup (meaning no post processing of files or extensive latency), what would you recommend adding to the master chain?

I was thinking - compressor (for glue) and limiter (as a safety check on level), but was curious what you would add and why.

If it matters, I will be playing a mix of hardware synths, drum machine, guitar, and bass, and the style will be a kind of low-key jazz with some ambient textures.


Have you tried the Ableton rack presets?
There are some called “master” (I’m on mobile now and I don’t remember the exact path and name) that I always use (set as template).
Through my Adam monitors they give a good result, glueing everything in a pleasant way to my hears.
Compared to the same empty master, the coloring effect is there, but you can twist the macro knobs to taste.

Based on Live version you can find them in different paths:

Live 9 that I currently use:
/Audio effects/Audio Effect Rack/Mixing and Mastering

Live 11 tried some time ago:
/Audio effects/Utilities/Audio Effect Rack/Mixing and Mastering

I suggest to try:

  • Master meaty analogue
  • Master stereo enhanced
  • Master wide & warm
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I didn’t know there were rack presets! I’ll give these a try when I test a bit today. Thank you!

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Map8 may be helpful too: providing macros for anything, anywhere in your project otherwise sounds like you’re well on track!

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I’m also interested in this topic, I use only hardware for now ( synths and machinedrum into ot, ot master into mackie mixer). I have the audio interface on the master insert of the mixer and running ableton for capturing the performance. I’m trying ozone to process the master but I don’t have the knowledge to prepare a mastering chain so I’m looking for advice: any recommendations of videos or books to make the first steps?

I know that ozone has a auto mode but I want to know more

This is a really interesting topic and something I’d love to get better at. Currently I use the following master track chain in Ableton:

  • Voxengo Span to make sure that my tracks have a balanced mix
  • VU Meter to make sure all of my tracks have approx the same loudness. I calibrate it at -12 and make sure that the average loudness sits around 0 for every track. The first 2 devices are obviously only used during the mix-down.
  • FX Rack with some macros to create tension and drops (with fx like highpass filter, echom hybrid reverb, etc)
  • Gullfoss live: The low latency version with mild settings (20% for recover and tame). I would love to use soothe2 as well but with 42ms it is adding too much latency.
  • EQ eight to boost the lows and highs a little (around 55hz and 11Khz)
  • Compressor to catch the peaks and boost the sound
  • True Iron: Not sure what it does exactly but it glues the mix together :+1:
  • Saturator in analog clip mode and soft clip on
  • Limiter with 2db boost and -1db as ceiling.

I’m by no means an expert but this gives great results on my speakers. I also experimented quite a bit with the glue compressor and fabfilters multiband compressor but it was hard to find settings that works well enough for different tracks. Any thoughts on this? :pray: