Ableton Push: Is there a way to bypass effects?

Hey folks,

maybe I’m blind, but how do you guys activate bypass on effects via Push in the signal chain?

Best regards and thanks in advance,

You can mute FX? Is that what you want to do?

Thank you, that’s what I was searching for!

If there’s anyone out there who wants to know:
Hold the “Mute”-Button and press the Button above the device you want to deactivate.

It’s in the online manual, but on my first attempts, I wasn’t able to find it.

Best regards,

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Glad you figured it out!

You can turn devices off with the button underneath the selection button (which is right under the screen, beneath the device name).

You can turn devices off with the button underneath the selection button (which is right under the screen, beneath the device name).

How does this work? When pushing the button, nothing seems to happen. Holding it a bit longer arms and disarms it for recording, at least that’s what I was able to find out :sweat_smile:

This place will probably give you a better idea


You have to be in Device view.