Ableton to control OT

I know this has been discussed, and I went over the other posts, but could not find the answer -
How to make ableton control OT.
As far as I understand, I have set up the preferences on both as I should.
But not working :frowning:

Would really appreciate your help guys.


Definitely someone can help here.

However I advise you to:

State clearly what you’re trying to achieve.

Describe how you have set things up and what you’ve tried already.


To add one specific first question: Are you using a 5pin midi cable into OT? Or are you trying to use the OT usb input? (Because OT doesn’t do midi over usb)

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Got it and thanks both.
I’ll elaborate:
I’m using the 5din midi, and trying to slave the OT to Ableton - for now just the transport.
The other way around - meaning to control Ableton’s transport with OT, works (although as mentioned in other posts, it’s kind of wobbly at the start).
I went over the OT preferences and think I’m doing good, as well as on Ableton.
I can actually see (I’m using midi hub and t has an activity monitor) that the event are coming out of ableton and into OT.
pls lmk if any more info is missing, and appreciate your replies.

go to midi/sync in prefs and tick what you need. I used to tick everything just to be sure because didnt understand. Read up on that section in the manual.

Hey thanks - yup - I actually did that, but nothing worked.
Also checked the manual.
I’m guessing there’s something small I’m missing :frowning:

It might be that sync in needs to be unticked while sync out needs to be ticked.
Could be wrong but logically, one needs to be master. Not in front of ableton right now to check

Did you enable Sync in Ableton for the appropriate MIDI out port?

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Thanks - Yup, did…

Midi Hub (MH) you say.

No offense, but: absolutely sure you connect MH out -> OT IN?

Then, MH. Did you make a patch that connects the correct USB port to the correct Midi out port. And activated that very patch?
Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 10.07.46

And not filtering any transport and clock etc events on both usb & midi port/pipe?

Hey - none taken and thanks
Yes, did all that.
I can see in the OT midi monitor the events coming in.

So it’s in the OT. I haven’t got an OT here at work ( :wink:), but it boils down to enabling clock receive & transport receive.

But I’m afraid you have set that already…?

Another suggestion: when you create a new Set & Project and set receive colck & transport, does that work?

Interesting - will try
Thanks again


Not working

Slightly running out of obvious suggestions. If you own other gear, can you swap the OT with something else and does that react to transport & clock?

Exactly what I tested now :slight_smile:
Took the midi out cable and connected to my Deluge - works.

What the #@#$! am I missing here??

OK @all, so this is the most embarrassing thing ever

Is seems my kid pulled just a tiny bit the midi cable from the OT.
Really apologize for wasting your time, and do appreciate your help.



Don’t worry. We’ve all been there, even without the kids :grin:

Happy sequencing!