Ableton/Win recording DT and DN simultaneously

Hi all,
Coming from a dawless setup,I am trying now to record my first demos to Ableton (Testversion/Windows 10).Tried several DAWs and they all suck for different reasons.
Ableton seems to be the least annoying option :sunglasses:
I just want to record the separate audio tracks of both machines simultaneously,but in Ableton I can only choose DT OR DN as input.For example I can setup Main,Track 1-8 and Line in from DT,so Overbridge is running fine.But when I try to add the 6 Tracks (Main,Track 1-4,Line In) from DN,the option for selecting the DN in audio setup is there,but in the mixer the channel jumps to “” and I cannot select anything.
What am I missing?


You can only have 8 audio tracks with ableton lite.

This is not Lite.
It’s the full 90 days trial.
As far as I know it has no restrictions
And even it has,I should be able to add e.g.
2 tracks from DN and 6 tracks from DT,which I cannot.

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Sounds like you’re selecting the Digitone and Digitakt as USB audio inputs. You want to put an Overbridge plugin for each one on a separate track. They should be in the plugins section under Elektron, iirc, and named just Digitone and Digitakt.

Then, you can route the separate tracks to their own tracks in Ableton. It’s best illustrated with a screenshot, but I’m having siesta right now and my Mac is in the other room.

But that’s the start.


Thanks,I will try that…

Managed to add the VST Plugins and organize the channels/tracks
2 Midi channels for each Digi and
the 16 audio tracks from DN and DT.
However,no sound from the DT.Only audio input comes from the 6 DN tracks.It seems the global preferences in Ableton override the individual selections in the mixer for the DT tracks…and I can’t find a way around this.When I choose DN as audio interface in global settings no output from DT and vice versa :dizzy_face:

Where is Ableton’s output going? To an audio interface? Or out to one of the Digis?

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To 1/2 (I guess from the Digitone,since that’s the main I/O in global preferences,see screenshot)
What bugs me,is that I can only choose between one of the two machines in settings,disabling the audio from the other,no matter what I choose

That’s because ableton can only use to one USB audio output at once. That’s the same for any DAW.

I think that’s what’s confusing things.

Try using your computer’s headphone output for now.

The thing to remember is that the Digitone and Digitakt audio is coming in via those Overbridge plugins. It has absolutely nothing to do with the audio settings panel in Ableton.

Try the same setup, but with your computer’s speakers/headphones as the output. If that works, we can go from there.

Edit: And don’t give up. Once you get you head around it, Overbridge is amazing!


Hi again,
just re-read your “You want to put an Overbridge plugin for each one on a separate track.”
Do you mean I’ll have to add
6x Digitone VST (1 for every track) and 10x Digitakt (1 for every track)?
Because I just added 1 instance of DN
and added the separate tracks later (which is working). And 1 instance of DT with separate tracks (which isn’t)

No. Just one vst for Digitone , and one for the Digitakt.

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Last Update: SUCCESS!
I was wondering why the Overbridge-DT module was running fine alone (without Ableton) with all tracks and in Ableton the plugin would show no audio at all.In settings I had to select Digitakt manually,while DN was autodetected.After a closer look I found a tiny error message at the bottom of the DT-VST.It seems I missed an Overbridge update and the Plug-in was broken.:exploding_head:!
Everything is working fine now,as far as I can tell.The only thing is that I can’t use the Digis as audio output now and have to find a way to integrate the Soma Cosmos.My line-ins on DT and DN are already occupied…
Thanks for help and suggestions!