About to get a Rytm - playing it on one MIDI channel?

On Thursday, I’ll be receiving @blurrghost Analog Rytm (wooo!). I’ve been trying to find the answer to this question, and I think it’s no, but:

I want to be able to use my Launchpad Pro for recording live drums instead of the Rytm pads, but I can’t be using channels 1-12 just for that as I have other stuff assigned to those. Is it possible to do this, or am I screwed? Do I really need to waste 12 whole channels to play a sound?

It is possible.


@Schnork Right, but if they’re set to 1-12, they’ll still respond to other messages on that channel, meaning that if I send stuff to other gear, it’ll play/interact with the AR tracks. I don’t want to assign ANY individual MIDI channels to the AR, only autochannel 99% of the time. So it’s not really possible without filtering or turning off other gear.

Can’t you set them all to the same MIDI Channel as Auto channel?

In the Midi configuration settings of the RYTM it’s possible to turn off any channels that you don’t want to trigger.

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I want to trigger all 12 sounds using only autochannel and midi notes so I can play my LP like a droad and record notes to each sequencer lane on the AR. From my reading of the manual, that is not possible. Don’t all channels need to be set?

Yeah, if you want to use channels 1-12 for other stuff, seems not to work like you wanted to.

If you would deactivate incoming midi cc on the Rytm and be careful about which notes you send on those channels (C0 to B4 trigger the twelve tracks and the active track chromatically) you could get it to work without triggering anything on the Rytm by accident, but that would be pretty restrictive…hmm…not sure if tracks on the Rytm have to have chromatic play active in order for midi notes to work chromatically - have to test that, but still that would mean you can’t use the twelve notes for triggering tracks for other gear…

Luckily, I have a MioXL which lets me filter messages. I’ll have to create a preset that only allows the Rytm to receive on ch15, the autochannel I’ll have it set for, so that I can still use those notes but it won’t respond to actual messages on the 1-12 channels. It’s a bit silly that this is necessary, but Elektron isn’t always known for the most common-sense design decisions. Haha.

The AR is 8-part multi-timbral, so it does expect most of those channels. Remember here that you’re imposing restrictions on the AR, not the AR imposing restrictions on you (in this situation).

Assuming you’re including a computer in this set-up, you’re probably better off getting a dedicated MIDI I/o for the AR.

No computer that is regularly on. However, as I said, the MioXL gets around this, it’s just more work. I know the AR is multi-timbral. So is the OT, but I can still trigger all 8 tracks from 1 channel (auto channel).

Either way, the MioXL will do for in the studio, and I’ll just need to remember to setup the Blokas MIDIHub for live filter when I’m out and about.

I think if you turn OFF the midi channel for each track then use the auto channel to play notes C0-B0 you will be able to trig each track respectively. You won’t get chromatic, but this is possible for each track individuall by selecting the track while on auto channel and playing notes above B0.

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My impression from the manual is that they need to be armed to 1-12. I guess we’ll see Thursday when it comes! Thanks :slight_smile:

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Just tested it with a keystep + rytm mk2.
I turned off ALL track midi channels.
Set the keystep to default auto channel (14)
Playing keys on the keystep will play the currently active track.
If you then play C0-B0 you can play each track respectively 1-12!
Hopefully that is what you mean!


That is EXACTLY what I mean! I guess the manual is a bit confusing on it. Thanks!!


I’d say the manual is WRONG about this :smiley: @eangman ?


Wool! Have fun! It sounds like a great idea tbh :slight_smile: might have to try it myself!
Was fun just recording in some stuff from the keystep which I’d not done before!

Also to note - it works with step record mode too! Might be obvious but this felt really cool playing a note or multiple notes and having those recorded in step rec :smiley:


It’d be good to clarify even with an example workflow! I don’t know if it was wrong per-se but just not super clear if it was possible without trying it out :smiley:

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Yeah, should really be mentioned in the manual.
I guess the thought of using twelve midi channels puts a lot of people off.
I actually discovered this accidentially a few months ago while sequencing a DVCO from my OT, but completely forgot about^^


I bet OT midi ARP can create some interesting patterns on rytm if transposed to c0-b0


nice idea!!

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