About to make the jump to Digitakt with iPad. Set-up plans

Right now, I have nothing. I do have guitars and bass guitars and pedals, but nothing really on the computer. I DO have a Scarlett 4i4 3rd generation Audio Interface.

But I don’t want to sit in front of a computer anymore. I’m pushing 60 now and have been using computers since 1979…so it’s time to get up from the desk. So I was thinking of using an iPad Pro with all the cool music software on it now along with a Digitakt and eventually a Digitone. I’ve wanted one for a long time.

GET TO THE POINT TIME: So I was thinking of this for my set-up:

iPad with regular USB to a powered USB 3 hub.
SSD External drive into the Hub (now that iPad OS can access files easier)
Scarlett 4i4 hooked into the powered hub for instruments into the iPad and sound output
Digitakt hooked into the hub via USB with sync to the iPad via MIDI over USB
Audio out from the Scarlett and Digitakt to a mixer, then on to the studio monitors.

I don’t think I even need the iPad’s Camera Connection kit, since I’m going from the iPad into a powered hub.

Anyway, does any of this seem ok? Any glaring problems? I take it I can do MIDI over USB to the Digitakt from the iPad, but won’t be able to transfer samples to it?

With a Digitakt alone you can already go far.
To me, iPad feels like a computer, while DT feels like an instrument.
Computers drain my creativity, thus pleasure, that’s a fact for me.
And as I watch way to much screens during the day, I enjoy diving into hardware like it’s freedom.
Maybe try this first. Then add an iPad (or a synth) once you feel limited…
That would be my advice, at least :slight_smile:

Right now I listen to my son playing the piano, he doesn’t feel as auto centered than when he’s facing a screen. Something feeds him, that he needs to share. I feel something like this too when I have an instrument in my hands.


You can do all of that. The current iPad Pro, with USB-C, doesn’t need the Camera Connection Kit.

I have a very similar setup. Take a look at the AudioBus app for routing audio and midi, and syncing the iPad and Digitakt


IMO iOS has finally settled down enough that using an iPad instead of a laptop is finally feasible for the majority of tasks. It’s the only way I’m able to record and arrange tracks these days given my current life stage (two toddlers).


Interesting: can you develop your setup and workflow with iPad?


You just made me realize that my UR44 is class compliment.

I might have to experiment with this-maybe try to give that beat app on my iPad a decent shot.

Thanks for the inspiration!


Sorry that it’s taken so long to write back, but I’m happy to report that I was able to use the iPad, DigiTakt and Zoia tonight and it all worked flawlessly. First time I’ve been able to say that in a long, long time.

The iPad was functioning as my MIDI controller to play the DigiTakt polyphonically (using the Zoia for MIDI and FX); a MIDI looper (using the excellent Atom AU); and recorder, mixer, router, and further FX box using AUM (which continues to amaze me). I recorded several audio “stems” which I hope to use to put a track together using Cubasis.

I’ve gone the iPad route because using a laptop just isn’t for me. I need something that I can take with me and set up anywhere with no hassle: 20 mins on the couch, 10 mins while eating breakfast, etc.

If the Digitakt was class compliant I think I would have to consider ditching the Zoia (kinda) as I could eliminate the Zoom U-44 which, while awesome, is insanely awkward in terms of design and just adds another THING to deal with.


I can understand wanting to ditch the zoom, but not the zoia; seems like DT and Zoia would be a great pairing.

AH just recently was updated for class compliant audio, I can’t see why the Digitakt won’t be getting the same treatment shortly. Luck and hope! :slight_smile:

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It’s more the idea of going directly into the iPad for recording and MIDI. That would be a dream come true. The Zoia would complicate that. :slight_smile:

…but I love the Zoia!

Bit late here. But is this possible? Connecting both the DT with audio and Midi over usb and another usb interface with a line in to one iPad?

I am looking to record sounds like my guitar into my IPad in apps like loopy. But if I use the DT as a sound card, it also records tracks 1-8.

You can only connect one USB audio interface to an iPad at a time.

But the Digitakt/Digitone both work as audio interfaces for the iPad.

Thanks. But if you use a looper for instance to record guitar through the DT. You can not live loop because you will also record the audio coming from track 1-8 of the DT right?

I think so. All the audio from the DT is summed stereo in this case.