Access to the different sound banks

Hi everyone, after almost a year with both Models, I finally got myself a Digitakt. I received mine a few days ago and I am stuck trying to access the sounds that I put into Bank B, C and D. Every time, I want new sounds for a pattern, I reach what’s in Bank A (the D knob gets me into Bank A only) and that’s it! How can I access the other banks? I can’t find the answer anywhere… Thank you guys

Page 24 in the manual

Press [FUNC] + LEVEL/DATA to open the SOUND BROWSER. The SOUND BROWSER is used to pre- view and load Sounds. This menu will show a list of all Sounds in the +Drive Sound library. Scroll the list by turning the LEVEL/DATA knob or by pressing [UP]/[DOWN]. Press [TRIG 9–16] to select Sound bank A–H. Press [FUNC] + [YES] to preview the Sound before you load it to the track. Press [YES] to load the Sound to the track


Thank you, I’m gonna try that right away :smiley:

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Also… if you press the Bank currently lit it will show all Banks - so you can focus on one or see them all


The D knob? You’re not in the sounds bank. You’re in the sample slot… That’s my guess. Maybe I’m wrong.
in DT sounds differ from samples.Sounds are samples with more information (the parameters from all the pages except from "trig"page).
Aksdnt already wrote how to access sounds. Have fun!

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