Accessing 'drum kits' on the Digitone

Am I understanding correctly that the only way to access a drum kit setup on the digitone is through midi input? And if so, is it possible to access them via midi loopback?

I’m a little confused as to why this feature would be external input only in the first place as it has a lot of use in the machine itself, especially considering the limit of 4 tracks.

Thanks for any insight!

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…I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understood the question?

If you want Drums and Percussion on the Digitone, just filter the presets by Kick, Percussion, etc and load it on a track?

There’s no Kits, ala Analog Rytm, but you can load up different sounds in different patterns, put your faves into a projects sound pool and trig lock multiple presets on one track?

I guess OP means the Multimap functionality, which can be used to put a different sound per key.

When you are actually in Multimap mode, you can use the Digitone trig keys to do this.

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I constantly forget about this awesome feature.

I recall finding a way to map to midi keys individual sounds from the sound pool, but they didn’t reflect having been done when using the Digitone’s numeric buttons.

I was never able to figure out how to do this, is there a good resource/demo of setting it up? I’d like to use it more.

So I went into multimap again, but got lost in how to actually set it up…I saw other forum posts here point out a video for the analog 4, but…man, those menus are far different. I know the general concept is the same, but…it’s not helping much figure out how to access this in digitone itself without using an external midi input…


I think you can use the keyboard layout while in multimap page to trigger your multimap ranges, which can be recorded on actual tracks. But that’s not very convenient, I rather use midi loopback into the multimap channel.
If you want to allow multimap to trigger sound pool patches, you got to create an “internal trigger” multimap range with soundpool increment values and then trigger the notes of this range via midi notes, and do not forget to specify a destination track cause it is by default on “auto” which is weird/not actually triggering while you are editing midi tracks.
For instance of a multimap range :
Function: int. trig
Range low:C0
Range Hugh:G1 (so 20 notes)
Track:trk1 (trk1 will be used as voici generator and if you live record it will be on this track)
Note:B4 (what is the actual note triggered when generating voice)
Note inc:0 (do you want the notes (pitch) to incrément from B4 when using keyboard notes>C0 (first of this range)
Snd slot:1 (which sound slot patch to trigger)
Snd slot increment :1 (do you want to change the sound pool patch as you change note (yes)) as this range is of 20 notes, you can access the 20 first patches

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I think the key note here is that you need to be on the multi map page , and not back on the typical ui for editing sounds etc.

It’s been a long time since I used it … I assume there’s a YouTube tut for it though. Or more detail if you search multimap on here.

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I found Loopop’s vid super helpful:

But yeah, amazing potential but takes a lot of pre-planning to truly make the most of…not particularly intuitive. I’ve trialled it here and there for drums on Digitone: sometimes just 16 perc sounds for a sort of Ableton Drum Rack idea, and think I trialled a 64-pad grid approach with different sounds per controller row i.e. 8 kicks along the bottom row, 8 snares on the 2nd etc…perhaps merging this sort of approach with the sort of ‘dummy pattern’ idea (sure you had a different term for it sorry!) could be interesting, still allowing you to actually edit these songs.

Tl:dr - it’s complicated and sort of mainly about sound pool management when it comes to designing performable drum kits


Looks like it’s going to be after class study time to figure out how to get this going…very (unnecessarily, it seems) complicated. I still haven’t gotten a multimap sound out of the box yet, despite my best efforts to set up a drum kit…

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Live recording whilst you have the soundpool open for browsing offers a fallback (on the fly) ‘multimap’

I.e. you have a cluster of kit sounds to twist between and with your other hand you tap in quickly, then twist to next input sound

It’s not the same, but it can be very quick, and the end result is theoretically the same

I often lament the absence of a multimap ‘play’ mode as opposed to using the edit page, seems like a huge feature to allow (beyond buying a DNK or AK …

… Or using an external keyboard on the auto (or mm?!) channel

I much prefer live pool locks to grid mode sound-locks, the bonus is that you see which sound is cued up whereas in MM mode you rely on memory

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Yeah, the only multi-map success I’ve had i.e. enjoyed the results, was via external controller communicating with the Multi-Map channel.

Good reminder to try recording live from the pool: great suggestion, thanks.

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