Acid house live jam with M:S, TT-303, Rev2, 3630, BX-800

Phone mic only, sorry. But it’s mono anyway and still kinda bumps somehow hahahaha :wink:

Model:Samples, Cyclone TT303, touch of Prophet Rev2, using Boss BX-800 for sub-mixer and Alesis 3630 for sidechain compression.

First attempt at this setup.

Unfortunately running all mono, since I’ve got to hard pan the stereo outs on the Model:Samples for an isolated kick. Meh. So expect some mono acid and filtered disco tracks on my Bandcamp, I guess!

It’s also the first time I’ve put long form samples set to a specific BPM in Ableton on the M:S. That disco drum and vocal loop business. Works nicely. Though naturally quite limiting re: flexibility, it still offers the ability to do lots of fun little edits, stutters and reversy thingies. Bit dodgy process, but if you’re making kind of straight forward loopy tunes, as I do, it’s not a big deal.

Quite a cheesy acid line, but i’m still figuring out the TT pattern editors, and really just happy I got the Alesis 3630 hooked up early this morning for that sidechain love! :robot:

Got a Boss BX-800 as a sub-mixer for everything but the kick. It’s overdriven TF for distortion on the TT-303. I’m not into squelchy acid so gonna have to find some way to finesse.:control_knobs:

Really need to get my TT303 pattern editing skills sharpened though. I’m soooo picky about my acid house and yet here I am doing some non-funky white boy shit haha… though I guess it’s got some 90s West Coast kinda charm… or something :sweat_smile:


Effective! Like that vocal sample and the occasional reversed bits. Works for me!

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thanks! :slight_smile: was fun, no doubt.

thought i’d add another. the long form sample thing… the drums go past 64, so turning the track off and letting it run gives it the opportunity to play the fill (the disco string stabs). definitely gotta stay on your toes if you were to perform like that… or i suppose i could do two loop versions and set some conditional trigs… haha
anyway just having fun and sharing as i learn the ins and outs of the tt-303. not the most intuitive functionality / interface if you’re not already familiar with the 303. the manual is actually quite great, but i learn better from watching tutorials… of which there are very few decent ones for this kit.

Sounds super fun!

I’m wondering if I should get a cheap Alesis 3630 myself. I’m looking for that sidechain duck.

Did you in the end get a FMR Audio RNLA as well? I don’t want to spend too much, but I’ve heard great things about it’s sound and terrible things about 3630’s.