Acid on Digitone

Shhh… dont tell anyone they can just load basic saw or basic square from the factory presets and just tweak the filter envelope
Mega wink…


:shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: Lol

Yep… and man this thing acids so lovely


Here’s one I had missed :slight_smile:


Me too :+1:

wait till you see that you can’t program the sequence without stopping it.
IMHO useless beatiful object unless you have external sequencer for it :wink:

i had td3 for a week…

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Ive got one now actually. A x0xb0x DIY kit I built myself. I wouldnt say its useless at all. And the x0xb0x can be programmed with the sequencer running. (Berhinger chose not to improve the sequencer on their version)


Thanks a lot for the effort and video.
Sorry don‘ t have dn here now. Don’t know if its possible to answer in general:
In the settings since the update you recomend mono legato on and additionaly portamento: type legato? Or is it one or the other?
something else important in the portamento settings?

I still have to find a sweetspot for a completely not harsh pad sound to make simple nice acidtrance.

A favourite of mine is ctr-all and then reload single track sounds.

Probably already mentioned in the thread:
On a bandcamp album from ess there are syx files included. (from his dual dn live album). Haven’t installed yet…

Portamento to legato
Play mode to mono legato


Thanks a lot :tulip::sunglasses:

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DN acid test based on the patch settings from Acid on Digitone posts.

I guess it rains. :slight_smile:


So what is our be-all and end-all Acid patch for Digitone? :smiley:

@braindance or others, have a syx?

And for mimicking accent behaviour, is the Velocity Mod under Sound Setup enough, or is a separate patch (p-lock’d) for accented notes better?

Plenty of advice in this thread.
Velocity mod gives you the easiest path to modify the three paramters you need to mimic 303 accent behaviour.

Then all you need to set is velocities . Very simple.


So happy this thread is still living. Just been playing with that TB Square patch, loved it.

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