Acid on Digitone


Sick man! :+1:t6:

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Well, this is awesome! Digitone fighting for the crown!

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Super dope ! Nice filter control ! :alien::fire:

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I cheated, I recorded DN left output but I used an Analogue Drive as an insert distortion. :content:

Bassline panned right > AD > Input left (panned left + delay)
Other sounds panned left.
Listen to left output.

Delay can be panned, not chorus nor reverb.


I have a erica synths acid box 3 with good drive on it I can max out for distortion , I’m going to try this technique, just gotta figure out the routing lol!

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Quick jam before work but I think I set up the distortion right ?! @sezare56


Apparently! Hard to tell about the routing visually from the video.

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Bass panned left > left output into left acid box input > then left acidbox output into Octatrack

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but yo thanks for opening up my eyes to this distortion trick! :raised_hands:

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Another acid test, a version with Analog Drive, another without it. Focused on TB303, I tried to improve Accent, controlled by velocity (non plocked velocity for Accent, other trigs plocked to Vel 1, VEL to VOL off).

AD Big Dist

DN dry

Added Clean Boost overdrive for @Unifono :content:


The second one is very nice. I prefer undistorted 303s by a mile


I think every TB303 needs a distortion. :smile:
I’ll try a softer distortion and not 100% wet.


Distortion steals all its rubbery glory :smile:


Rubbery robbery ? :content:
AFAIK, TB303 naturaly distorts, not DN.

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is everything in these tracks coming from the DN? sounding nice.

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Sounding good! Any chance you could share the .syx file for the main acid patch?

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Yes everything recorded from DN out, but 2 recordings with the bassline thru Analog Drive.
No problem for sysex. Not sure when I’ll try, maybe tonight. Some things on the sequence too.
Basic stuff musically, trying to match original TB303.


So here is the pattern sysex, hoping it works properly.
ACID-WWW-pattern.syx (23.4 KB)
I recorded the above tracks with midi loopback control (Vel / Mod Wheel / Breath Control), but it can be used as is. I wanted to use Mod Wheel mainly to increase filter Base while increasing Env Depth. It was also convenient to control Vel on the same page with midi loopback.

Without midi loopback, at first you can modulate filter Decay, Res, Env Depth, and eventually increase Base around 60.
Trig page Vel for Accent.
You can also modulate Mod Wheel in its setup page.

Edit : adding feedback to Mod Wheel (8) is recommended!

Inspiring article for the Accent.


gonna giver a go! thanks man!

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