Acid on Digitone

Starting at 1:25 I have a little 303 type sequence coming in from the Digitone, followed by another acid sequence from the A4.
Could improve the DN, the A4 sounds a little better here to my ears, but just to add another example.


Nice! What are you SYN settings?
Has anyone have an idea to make a saw and a square (same octave) setting that you’d be able to mix with the MIX parameter?
It worked with lock trigs.

I improved my patch, have to post it.
I maxed feedback (60 or something), found it nicer for resonance in high frequencies.

Can’t wait to test again with A4. I planned to use the 2 filters. Wich one did you use? High pass?

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pretty much the settings from @Microtribe

On the A4 I followed @darenager’s settings on how to get a 303 square from the transistor waveform (pw -20).

The multimode filter in 2pole LP mode. Resonance at between 9 and 12 o’clock.
The first filter completely open, no resonance.

For both DN and A4 velocity is shortening filter decay and adding env depth.
I found, I have to work more on the sequencing (slides, accents, trig length) than on the exact sound to sound authentic. Never owned a 303 so it’s trying to mimic sequences I heard on records.

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Key point here, you can actually get away with not having exact synth settings, but get the sequencing right and it can still “read” as acid IMHO. Of course if you want TB-303 sounding acid then synth settings are also important, but I think it is worth bearing in mind that both are part of acid, you can make a TB-303 not sound acidic as well of course, just play it without accents and slides and don’t modulate the filter and envelope, and of course there are some acid tracks with no accents and slides too, but with manual filter/env modulation (knob twiddling).


I feel that too. It’s actually nice to hear a variety of sounds not only 303, but in that sequencing style. I know this is an overused example, but Aphex seems to use tons of different sound sources for his basslines but they all sound very acid to me. On Syro, many of these basslines seem to be fm sounds for example, but with slides, accents and all that stuff.
I found acid sequences on youtube from MS20 or the monotribe that I really like a lot. Also from the SH101… and the analog four and digitone of course :wink:

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Accents , slides, note length, and modulation of res/cutoff/env. this I how you make acid, Its less about the oscillator.

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Nice! Which box is acting as the master sequencer?

The macbook :upside_down_face:
A4 and DN are synced via overbridge.
AS-1 is slave to A4, OT is slave to DN.
Overbridge has become supertight


Mono Legato test, thanks to @Microtribe to have explained its acid qualities! :wink:


OMG guys!

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Nailed it, damn! Gotta try mono legato with @Microtribe syn settings.


Reminds me of GOA trance! What a throwback


Great sound, this nails it!

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I hope this makes some 303 fans angry.

Great work.

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:smile: thanks! Can be improved!
I use these settings (LEVEL A=75) but I think you can increase feedback up to 110. Edit : 63 max in fact (imho).

Ideally I think you have to use Modulation Wheel instead of env depth, in order to increase resonance, feedback, and base for higher frequencies (and decrease them for lower frequencies).


Just tried these settings out for acid and it’s great! Time to save some new patches. All about that resonance bump and level A increase.

Edit - just put this together real quick


you would sell this preset pack like nothing! It will literally sell itself! do it!

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@Cepheid I can’t open it, private or something…

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Thanks for sharing!

With the new mono legato mode my own acid patch sounds even better! (There’s a vid earlier in this thread where I explain it) ive increased the vel mod depth on all destinations.

I tried @sezare56 patch, for me it sounded more moogy, eg: thick and heavy. Still reads as acid, but I like the nasal chirpy tone of my single operator patch.

To be honest I dont think it really matters what algorithm you use, the critical job is getting the velocity mod to create accents, and setting the filter env just right. The rest is in the sequencer.

More acid to come no doubt :slight_smile: