Acidlab Miami or rabbit hole?

Always been into the original tr-808 sound, not as much the modern sample renditions you hear in every trap song, but the grittier vintage sound you get from the actual 808 from artists like addison groove, pearson sound to name a few. Currently I have the md with an 808 kit mixed of internal machines and some samples for the hihats, clap, etc.

I’m just wondering how much more do you get from something like the acidlab miami vs what the md is already giving me? An actual tr808 is out of the question since the prices are too high. Anyone have experience with this machine?

I was in the same position as you - loving the dirty overdriven sounds of the 808 in techno/tech house. I looked at the Miami and by all accounts its fantastic - but I just loaded up gold baby samples into my elektron rytm, put a few moog pedals in front, played with the overdrive and got some pretty filthy sounding stuff out of it. Not sure if that’s helpful or not…

I demo’d a Miami a few years back when I was GAS’ing for an 808, but it isn’t really a 1:1 sound to the 808.
Honestly, as far as the sound goes, it’s nice, but it’s no 808.
That’s really the only way I’d go if you REALLY want the 808 sound, unfortunately.
On the other hand, the 808 is a bitch to use compared to the overall ease of use of the MD, so I’d just get some outboard gear as geoffmar suggested and make due.
Or maybe you could try something like an analog unit with a different, but still awesome tonal character like a Vermona DRM1 MKIII.

I own an Acidlab Miami and can attest to its greatness. A lot of the good comes from its simplicity. It is a one-trick pony but has a way of inspiring you. A long while ago I had the machinedrum and found it a lot of work to get body out of it. The Miami is just right up front. It is not an exact 808 but has its own cool groove. My friend just got the Drumatix as well and that thing also pounds! Good luck with your decision!

I think the Analog Rytm with quality TR-808 samples going through Rytm’s filters and FX has a wonderfully warm “vintage” sound. With lots of versatility too. About the same price as the Miami.

Rytm + MD is a fierce combo for studio and stage.

Depends a little what you want. If you only want that 808 sound and feel the Miami is great. Comes quite close. Maybe sounds a little cleaner. But it’s limited. You won’t get much else from it.
And yes to goldbaby samples. He has by far the best 808 samples I know of. goldbaby “super analog 808” in the rytm sounds pretty awesome!

geofmar - got any sound examples of your md and 808 samples through the moog pedals? Are you just using the mf101 filter or that plus another pedal?

Holograms - If I post a simple 2 bar loop with my md, do you think you could recreate it on your miami and upload it for comparison?

AdamJay - Same question as above but with the Rytm?

Here is the track, you can download it and put it in your DAW to copy it, hopefully soundcloud compression doesn’t effect downloads. Its 128 bpm, peaking at -2db, and 4 to the floor on kick, snare on 2 and 4, the rest you should hopefully be able to do by ear.

How is a real 808 a bitch to use? It’s knobs and buttons. There is no screen full of menus.
The only thing about an 808 that sucks is the price.

Would love to do that, but packing right now for a 2 week vacation and all my gear is locked away.

The same way hardware compressors are a bitch to use; you dial in a sound and there’s no way to save it to use later.
Maybe I should’ve expounded, but that’s essentially what I meant.
I realize I recommended the Vermona and that has the exact same problem.
Just let me be stupid.

YOCTO best clone ever IMO !

I bought a Miami when I had an 808 and it was not 1:1 at all despite still sounding very good on its own. But the fact that it is meant to imitate something else but not do it enough perfectly is something that I think is very aiming to create a kind of unconscious uncomfortable feeling about it.
With the Yocto, the analog circuits are really 1:1 (except one part replaced by an equivalent), so the sound is also really 1:1. I can confirm because I also had it in the same time along with the 808… and this time decided the clone was enough good to sell the original.

(Same story with 909, JoMoX and 9090)

About comparing MD with 808… you can’t compare. Both are good in their own way, but one wouldn’t ever replace the other IMO.

The same way hardware compressors are a bitch to use; you dial in a sound and there’s no way to save it to use later.
Maybe I should’ve expounded, but that’s essentially what I meant.
I realize I recommended the Vermona and that has the exact same problem.
Just let me be stupid.[/quote]
It’s all good. I get where you’re coming from. Personally I prefer just the knobs and no presets.
For the record, I own a MD and not an 808, so take what you want from my statements as well… :wink:

might try this as well:

justin’s pretty detail oriented and his packs have gotten good reviews from users

These are brilliant.
Thanks for posting.

Keep meaning to grab the AR-808
Thanks for the reminder!

The Analog Rytm’s internal machines get close enough for me

Building/buying a Yocto would be a much better option than a Miami if you really want 808 sounds, but they’re so so limited … modern day use of 808 always fails to impress me. The Rytm lets me get close enough, but it has enough options to not feel instantly stale.


Yocto >>> Miami, but think about why you want an 808???

maybe sell the MachineDrum, get a Rytm and Yocto (and add a LXR Potion to bring back the digital krunch. Honestly a Rytm + Potion + Yocto should cover every base ever.)

Dude, if you can find a Yocto, let me know.
Those things are super rare.

Keep in mind that a big part of the sound you’re after comes from slightly overdriven mixer gain, tape saturation, and/or compression. You might want to experiment with that, for example using a modern tape saturation pedal (strymon has a nice one), before you pay the big bucks.

Another option might be to start a small modular. There are some great 808 clone modules out there and depending on your goals, you might only need a few of the 808 voices to be truly analog and tweakable (e.g. kick, snare, hats) while samples will do for the other sounds.

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There was one in the Marketplace here, shipping from Europe, not long ago.