Add kit to digitakt

Hello guys,

I was wondering how do you put kits in the digitakt ?

I’ve download a sample pack and there are kits in there. I use transfert for the sample but does it Work the same for the kits ?

Thank you in advance !

The Digitakt manages samples in directories, so individual .wav files are accessible. How is the kit stored?

I’ve selected different parts from the manual to help you understand the notion of Kit :


The patterns are the primary data container for the Digitakt. Sixteen patterns are available for each of the eight banks, which means that 128 patterns are available for each project. A pattern contains up to eight Sounds (one for each audio track), sequencer data like trigs and parameter locks. It also contains the de- fault settings on the TRIG page and BPM, length, swing and time signature settings. A pattern also contains all the parameter settings for the eight MIDI tracks.

A kit is a collection of eight Sounds. A Sound is a sample, plus all the settings in the PARAMETER pages (SRC, FLTR, AMP, and LFO). A Sound can be assigned to one of the eight audio tracks.

Each of the audio tracks can contain one Sound. A Sound that has been imported from the +Drive to a pat- tern becomes part of the active pattern. Any changes made to a Sound will therefore not affect the stored Sound or kit. It will only affect the Sound in the active pattern. You can export (and in that way save) a Sound from the active pattern to the +Drive. For more information, please see “9.3 SOUND MANAGER” on page 24.

A sample that is used in a Sound or a pattern can be renamed or moved and still work as intended. This is due to a hash function that adds a file specific value to every file, and this value is independent of the file name or the file’s location in the data structure. However, if you delete a sample, it will not be included in any Sounds or patterns anymore.

• When a Sound is imported to a pattern, it becomes a copy of the Sound on the +Drive and is not linked to the original Sound stored on the +Drive. Instead, it fully becomes a part of the pattern.

• If you delete a sample from the +Drive, it will not be included in any Sounds or patterns anymore.

A Pattern contains:

• A kit.

• All parameter settings for the eight MIDI tracks.

• Sequencer data such as trigs and parameter locks.

• The settings on the TRIG PARAMETERS page, BPM, length, swing and time signature settings.

A Kit contains:

• Eight audio track Sounds.
• LEVEL settings for the audio tracks.

A Sound contains:

• A sample (linked from the +Drive), plus the SRC, FLTR, AMP, and LFO PARAMETER pages settings for the audio track.

A Sample contains:

• A 16 bit, 48 kHz, mono audio file.


Use the PATTERN menu to perform pattern management. Press [PATTERN MENU] to open the menu. Use the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to move between the options. Press [YES] to confirm your selection. Exit the menu by pressing [NO].

10.5.1 RENAME

Opens a NAMING screen where you can rename the active pattern.

10.5.2 CLEAR

• WHOLE PATTERN Clears the active pattern’s sequencer data and kit. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to clear, or [NO] to cancel the operation. Note that no pattern informa- tion will be permanently lost until the pattern is saved to the same pattern slot that it was loaded from.

• KIT DATA Clears the active pattern’s kit. All sequencer data will remain unchanged. A prompt ap- pears when you select this option. Press [YES] to clear, or [NO] to cancel the operation. Note that no kit information will be permanently lost until the pattern is saved to the same pattern slot that it was loaded from.

• SEQUENCE DATA Clears the active pattern’s sequence data. All Sounds will remain unchanged. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to clear, or [NO] to cancel the operation. Note that no sequencer information are permanently lost until the pattern is saved to the same pattern slot it was loaded from.


You must have saved the project at least once before you can save pattern information.

• WHOLE PATTERN Saves the active pattern’s sequence data and kit to the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to save, or [NO] to cancel the operation.

• KIT DATA Saves the active pattern’s kit to the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to save, or [NO] to cancel the operation.

• SEQUENCE DATA Saves the active pattern’s sequence data to the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to save, or [NO] to cancel the operation.


You must have saved the pattern at least once before you can reload pattern information.

• WHOLE PATTERN Reloads the active pattern’s sequence data and kit from the +Drive. A prompt will appear when you select this option. Press [YES] to reload, or [NO] to cancel the operation.

• KIT DATA Reloads the active pattern’s kit from the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to reload, or [NO] to cancel the operation.

• SEQUENCE DATA Reloads the active pattern’s all sequence data from the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to reload, or [NO] to cancel the operation.


There’s no way to save kits, correct? I guess I should start utilizing the temp save and copy of kit instead of copying patterns and deleting sequencer data but it still would be nice to have kits saved.

You could use the Sound banks to store sets of 8, still have to load them one track at a time but if they are organised well it shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to populate all 8 audio tracks. The Samples will be imported with the Sound, just remember to save the whole project to retain any new samples.

I would love to save and load kits, samples + track settings, as well as kits for the 8 MIDI tracks with settings saved!

There are no kit files on digitakt

Indeed. The above that I wrote is a wish… How great that would be! Templates and re-using material from pattern to pattern more easily. I’d wish for that separation between MIDI and Sample sections.

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You can quasi do it by loading everything up into a blank pattern, and then copying that pattern as a template.

there’s a youtuber, maybe ricky tinez, who has a brief video about how they deal with ‘kits’ on the DT. I think it comes down to saving the kits to the last bank and just copy and pasting those patterns to where you need them. I’m sure you could figure that out, but not a terrible workflow if that’s what you’re after.